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Best Williams Available

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Everything posted by Best Williams Available

  1. Rock paper scissors with the mystery play caller in the booth
  2. Stats say Mayfield is much better against blitz pressure than sitting in the pocket. So what does Sean do?
  3. We won’t get much because it’s clear he’s not important to the Bills and other GMs know this in negotiations.
  4. He’ll demand Josh Allen play TE as he has the most similar build and Kyle Allen will start at QB Thursday. Book it. /s
  5. But why is he on the field in such condition? Or why don’t the coaches know? Or, if they do, why setup plays to the hurt guy two games in a row on critical 4th downs in the 4th quarter!?!? Infuriating.
  6. See T Edmunds for reference Actually I don’t know if Edmunds is point or counterpoint to your argument. Physically gifted but often out of position. Not sure this is overpursuit, bad instincts or mental lapses.
  7. I think he’s playing based on the strengths of his D. It shapes his whole philosophy. His D can’t play fast, it’s filled with old guys and slow guys. He rotates DL to combat this. He doesn’t want these old slow guys out there every 5 minutes so demands we perfect some sustained style of O. It worked great against the Raiders but sometimes you need to win shootouts. Against Miami he conceded this and won but they then went and f*cked with the program.
  8. Can’t it be that he and they (staff & teammates) are genuinely unsure about what the hell is happening? They plan and practice all week thinking it’ll go their way and they get utterly stymied. Outcoached, outplanned, outplayed. They have no answers now so that uncertainty is going to show up as “disinterest” or deer in the headlights I think.
  9. He’d bench RBs for fumbling just so an inferior guy can come in and do nothing to teach the first a lesson. But a guy like Knox who breaks these rules of fundamentals is trotted out there time and again to hurt this team. Same with OL. He’s defective at putting the team in winning situations.
  10. Peterman brought something, it was just in favor of the other team most often.
  11. Yes Brown said on WGR this AM he was benched in this and Giants game for Dodson.
  12. The ball control style is being force fed to them by McD, who as a D guy doesn’t want his D on the field too frequently or for too long. Think about that Chiefs game. The O scored too fast too often leaving 13 sec on the clock for the D to then give it up. He took all the wrong lessons from that game and is trying to win tight ball control games vs shootouts. But how has that worked out the last 2 weeks? His D effectively gave up 2 game winners. Let your O put up 30+ guy and trust your guys on D to win games.
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