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Best Williams Available

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Everything posted by Best Williams Available

  1. Cook has been the whole offense. Where’s he been?
  2. Brady with his Ken Dorsey impression tonight
  3. Ridiculous execution by this team
  4. Need to get rid of 12 personnel this quarter
  5. You gotta make plays and not leave it up to refs dude
  6. We’ve seen this movie before.
  7. Awful awful time to f up special teams
  8. Run the ball. It’s been working and KC sucks at defending it.
  9. Completely out of sorts on offense
  10. Because they have success in half one they feel they don’t need to adjust and thus always unprepared for when the other team does so.
  11. KC not a threat on O. Just play smart fundamental and tackle.
  12. McDermott Time Out Panic Time
  13. Hope Dunn writes old news stories every week because this team is physical today—took it personal.
  14. Too many missed tackles for my liking
  15. I don’t like the idea of a McD Mt Rushmore because we have to narrow it down to only 4. I prefer a McDaVinci “Last Supper” so we can pick 12-13. Jesus is 13 seconds.
  16. They are the same play but different coverages. In the 2 examples a S or LB is at or outside the left hash so a throw outside makes sense. Against the Eagles due to blitz the middle was WIDE open. Going outside just makes it a tougher throw for Josh. I get why Josh threw it inside for those 2 reasons. But he pulled the trigger too early imo too. He had a second to wait to see where Gabe was going. in full, I think the route was Gabe’s bad and throwing too early Josh’s.
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