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Best Williams Available

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Everything posted by Best Williams Available

  1. I don’t like the idea of a McD Mt Rushmore because we have to narrow it down to only 4. I prefer a McDaVinci “Last Supper” so we can pick 12-13. Jesus is 13 seconds.
  2. They are the same play but different coverages. In the 2 examples a S or LB is at or outside the left hash so a throw outside makes sense. Against the Eagles due to blitz the middle was WIDE open. Going outside just makes it a tougher throw for Josh. I get why Josh threw it inside for those 2 reasons. But he pulled the trigger too early imo too. He had a second to wait to see where Gabe was going. in full, I think the route was Gabe’s bad and throwing too early Josh’s.
  3. This is all fine because it’s providing the evidence needed to can the guy. You chose to be DC this year? Your D sucks, it’s cost us games and the playoffs. You’re fired.
  4. This is correct. He doesn’t trust his QB. Their styles clash (conservative vs fly-by-pants improv). Yet, he trusts his D time and again to win games and they consistently let him down. He probably fondly recalls the Giants ending when making decisions in-game vs the Pats ending. Even though they were both defensive failures.
  5. If every decision you’ve ever made is wrong, the opposite would have to be right.
  6. It won’t magically be worse either. You’re just scared of the worst case scenario too much to make the right decision.
  7. Thanks for proving my point. All data points to this guy ain’t it. That should be enough to try something new.
  8. The people arguing to keep Sean McDermott around any longer suffer from sunk-cost fallacy.
  9. No one talks to FG kickers or punters. They’re ignored by players and most coaches because they literally only have to do 1 thing. McD could be behind Bass in line at Wegman’s and not know who he is. Doubt coaching drama plays a factor.
  10. Luckily the Panthers HC job will be open for Sean to slip back into mediocrity with.
  11. He somehow helped Tyler Boyd make that play that got us into the playoffs and broke the drought.
  12. I’ll defend him in saying it seems to me the last 2 weeks he’s being blanketed by MFers who are good but also known to grab/hold and get away with it. DBs that play that style do well against elite WRs. If you let them get away with it, it makes the DB elite, even.
  13. This is a really good point and diagnostic. McD doesn’t make catastrophic blunders of coaching that make even the casual viewer say “what an idiot he should be fired!” But he makes many small yet bad choices that amass to skew the winning probability in favor of the opponent. This happens so frequently his winning % in close games like OT defy randomness.
  14. Oh FF sake. The Bills losing is defying logic and probability at this point.
  16. In a blitz the middle becomes open. Everyone seems to get this but Gabe Davis.
  17. Bills had 505 yards of offense against this D in this weather???? Sorry see ya McD. You’re trash.
  18. I took up hammering nails while blindfolded and it’s less hurtful than this sh*t.
  19. McD sucks, ST coordinator sucks, these 2 clowns should be gone tomorrow.
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