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Everything posted by Radar

  1. News flash...!! Quit always blaming coaching. It's players! Injuries aside only a super fandom wouldn't see the weaknesses in this team. Look at Beane first.
  2. I think the problem goes deeper than Dorsey. That's not an endorsement of Dorsey.
  3. If we don't make this a win I'm thinking going forward we're in real trouble. Like playoffs looking not so real as they did beginning the season. My worry is we've not looked that good to this point and now we add in the injuries and this makes me quite worried going forward.
  4. Thought before season started it would be close in our division. I am thinking unless Miami craps the bed or unforseen injuries hit namely at quarterback they win the division. But as they say anything can happen. I do like our defense better and credit McDermott for that. Was never high on our secondary and even less so now with injuries. Milano would be huge loss. Jets loss and Jacksonville loss certainly doesn't help.
  5. Agree but I fear if given any time at all Tua will eat up our secondary.
  6. Actually I fear our defense not holding a lead even more than our offense not putting games away.
  7. Not sure the Dolphins will win. Quite concerned they might. I don't think others under rate us anymore than many of us under rate the Dolphins. This could be a real shootout.
  8. Miami was underrated by many. I always thought Bills, Jets and Miami would be tight. Now I think without Rogers it's Miami or us for division and at thus point advantage Miami. Go Bills!
  9. I see it as a high scoring game. Still concerned about our secondary against Tua and his receivers. Our offense better be on.
  10. Agree but I see I'm getting some disagreement about Simpson being removed. Sorry but I just think there is more than on field to qualify one for hall of fame type of recognition. Look at Pete Rose in baseball. If he is passed over why should Simpson not be? Maybe football has different standards?
  11. First delete Simpson. Replace with Kyle.
  12. Hope you're right but you can't reverse aging process.
  13. My concern is our secondary. Safeties are getting old and don't think they're the strength they were. Frankly I have seen White digression even prior to injuries. Good quarterback with good protection I think is real threat.
  14. Said it would be a three team dog fight to the end. Even with Rogers out I still think it will be. Too early to pick the winner. Go Bills!!
  15. This whole reputation of fans craziness seems to be almost encouraged, jumping on tables,drunken behavior. I stopped even thinking about going to games ages ago and this fan behaviour a major reason.
  16. I said before season started we need to split our games with Jets and Dolphins. I look at both teams as not give me games. With Rogers out we should have won that one. Hope it doesn't bite us. This division will be nail biter in my opinion.
  17. I'm now eighty years old. Been a Bills fan from heir inception. If the OP is referring to mediocre then I have to wonder if he's been around the last few decades. Not counting age 0-18.
  18. This fn stupid. I'm losing it with some of this world renown fan base.
  19. Fair enough. How many games has he impacted largely to wins? How many games can we say he was major factor in our losses? Maybe my memories failing me but I think he's on whole a very positive effect. Monday night was I believe his worst game and did cost a win. I'm not ignoring his tendencies to turn the ball over. I'm also not ignoring that particularly in playoffs this can't happen. Still some on here seem to be almost writing him off. I'm not because if it wasn't for him our losses over the time he's been here would be much greater. With all that accolades given to our defense over past few years I've seen them look pretty average on many games we've won by our ability to outscore teams with Josh being a big part.
  20. Just as a reminder we've played one game. Monday night Josh was bad but can we give him a few more games please.
  21. Josh had four turnovers. Hard to win doing that for sure. My guess is with Rogers those turnovers would have put the game away yet we still got to overtime. Josh has taken personal responsibility for his play. I'm so so on McDermott and our coaching. I'm still bullish on Josh.
  22. I would be shocked if the thought of moving on from Josh would even be a consideration.
  23. Diggs is a great receiver and an intense personality and that can be ,as most things, a positive or a negative depending on the situation or the personality you're dealing with. Now the speculation about Allen's not focused or working at his game is just that speculation and I hope that's not a problem. Nevertheless Josh seems tight and forcing things. If that's self induced or from outside who knows but he definitely appears uncomfortable and his natural talents are being hindered. A sport psychiatrist may be in order here something is amiss here and has been for sometime now.
  24. Stupid? No. Forcing the ball? Yes. Don't think this is a stupid thing.JMO Definitely agree with you on bad decisions.
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