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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Wish we didn't cave in once again to this robbery.
  2. Well all I can say is there's a fool born everyday. And then we turn around and complain about our taxes and cost of food and put out this for our millionaire player and billionaire owners. Jokes on us. Before I choose one cent of my taxes toward this I say bye,bye move the team wherever you want.
  3. So sick of paying these billionaires fare. Putting rich peoples play pens on the backs of working class and on top of that gouging them to go see the product. Don't care if it's our local teams or other cities. Move as far as I'm concerned.
  4. I'll be surprised pleasantly if fans down the line don't have Beans as whipping boy for how he handled the cap. This for sometime has been the biggest question mark I have about him. When and if this team starts regression and no $$ to change things his reputation will dissolve in large part. Just my opinion.
  5. Athletes should not and are not on a whole role models. Sort of the opposite of what I would want my kids(now adults) to have looked at as role models.
  6. Typically happens when your franchise QB goes. Days of having quality backups at QB are long for most part. Packers let Rogers go rather than wait and lose Love.
  7. As good as Diggs has been I believe the decline could be significant over next couple years. As for his attention needs it's nothing but NFL Receiveritis. No known cure.
  8. These guys are so spoiled for attention it's laughable.
  9. Agree. This defense need a rebuild and you're not going to do it trading picks away.
  10. With cap restrictions no. Do think Beane has not used cap that well. As previous poster noted next year may be different. Not a big fan of free agency anyways.
  11. I certainly don't hate him but don't put him at as high a level as many here do. I don't think he's managed the cap expertly.
  12. I'm one of those old farts........what was the question?
  13. Don't mess with colors except dump that ugly all red thing.
  14. With our cap situation free agency of any impact is doubtful.
  15. Agree it's players and not coaching. I'd say 90% anyway is the talent
  16. I think this team could take a step back actually.
  17. No. I said pretty much from early on this wasn't a Super Bowl team and that was before the injuries hit. A good to very good team not a championship team.
  18. I think both teams have shown inconsistent play this year. I favor Reid over McD and don't say that to knock McD at all. In my opinion home field slight advantage for us. All things considered.... Even or 50-50 chance we win or lose.
  19. I feel same. Even at home this is no better than 50%.
  20. True I don't look at Twitter so you may be right. Fans in general can be pretty bad at times.
  21. Are we really any better?
  22. The NFL is a money machine. That's why it bugs me that we tax payers pay anything toward their play pens. Also don't buy any of their merchandise. I've always been a fan of the game but not the league that squeeze every red cent out of us.
  23. I'd add the Jets to that as well. Those losses were worst than the Jags loss in my opinion.
  24. Stupid call of the season!!!!!
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