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Apocalypse Nuts

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Everything posted by Apocalypse Nuts

  1. I have not listened to Fina's stuff yet, but I will when I get around to it. I'm in no hurry because Fina sucked when he played for the Bills and I cannot for the life of me figure out why people seem to remember differently. I watched him play in many games. He sucked. I can't imagine I can take much seriously from a guy who was a miserable disappointment from the day he was drafted. Sorry to be so to the point, but if anyone says John Fina was a good lineman when he played, you were not watching him play.
  2. There is certainly a connection in many cases, unfortunately. And the conversations need to happen about mental illness, there is no doubt about that. But I think that if we spent a lot more time working on poverty and income inequality, as well as education in general, we would accomplish so much more in terms of violence in-general, in whatever form it takes. Maybe we should start working on a society that lifts all people up instead of a cut-throat, winner-takes-all system where it's perfectly acceptable to step on someone else, sometimes many, in your pursuit up the ladder of success. Poverty is the real root of most of society's ills and it's a real shame we aren't all doing more to address it when we have so many resources available like never before.
  3. I see your point. That picture isn't very comforting either I bet.
  4. I'm bipolar 1 and I have guns. Why would I be legally barred from having a firearm? I have no history of violence and I'm safer with my guns than you could possibly imagine.
  5. Great stuff again, Virgil. I like your choice for point #2 given the total crap-fest that this team has become with penalties. It's not even funny and it's really getting old, fast. Is Rex Ryan consulting on discipline or something? WTF? Of course, in Bills fashion, when the fans come back they start showing a stinker of a 2021 team just in time for the 17 game season, so the pain might be extra long this year. I'm not giving up completely on them yet, but I'm not stressing over them stinking it up some more this season before Beane and Co. make some serious decisions to address the offensive line and d-tackle positions. Time to move on from Feliciano, Ford, and anyone else who sucks wind. I think we can be confident that Beane will not be ignoring the o-line in the least come next off season. And honestly, Josh could use a little more time to work on the more nuanced parts of his game. He's clearly meeting some regular challenges this year so he's not as far along as we'd like him to be. Not just yet anyway.
  6. New found respect sir. Thank you for your service and please forgive my bad manners. Personally I don't know why civilian police officers don't the same "Thank ou for Your Service" as well. I'll take my lumps now. I think we'll both get along better now. Go Bills!
  7. Seriously bud, just back off now. And BTW, I'm an ex Army MP. Not to toot my own horn, but you have no idea what it's like to drag career Infantrymen out of bars in El Paso, Lawton Ok, or anywhere else at 3 a.m., among other things I've done. I may have overstepped my manners here, but it's time to call it a night and move on. Enough with the "behind the computer" BS. I am definitely not that guy.
  8. Blah, blah, blah... As a fellow Bills fan, I do regret getting so "chippy" but I strongly recommend you take your lumps and move on. And do not mistake me for one of those "behind the computer keyboard" chumps. That would be a serious mistake.
  9. Un oh! The Jets are going to trash the Bills D now! Everyone panic!!!! Oh wait, the game already happened and they destroyed the Jets. Maybe all the panicking was premature. Some doctor could make a killing selling anxiety meds and antidepressants to the mentally weaker members of this board.
  10. Some people just get so unbelievably opinionated about things that they have only watched and never actually done themselves. Yeah I’m calling you out. This is typical beer-swilling bravado. There’s so much more to NFL strategy than you will ever come close to understanding. But you want to sound so frigging smart, don’t you? You don’t know jack. You’re just the kind of idiot I would love to hear spouting off with your dumb mouth at a bar while I’m there. You think you’re some kind of genius or something. Until you look over and see someone like me about to shut you up. Then you sit the F down and finally shut your yap. Sorry for being so forward. I’m just so tired of arm-chair know- it-alls like you trying to impress everyone with your BS. Save it for someone who gives a F.
  11. Just a little sarcasm. But then again, that's not one of my strong suits.
  12. Should we go after him? Or are we waiting for a completely new thread about that?
  13. I stand corrected. Probably would help if I read more carefully. My bad. In my defense my soon-to-be ex wife was pissing me off earlier. Apologies for taking it out on you all here. After all, the Bills are like therapy for me right now. Seriously
  14. Maybe they were "soft" because the offense wasn't doing crap to hold up their end of the bargain. Ever consider that? I challenge you to recall another season past when they looked this good, and had an actual offense to compliment their hard work. Wade Phillips' teams were so great on D, but sucked so bad on offense. See Rob Johnson for reference. G damn, a little perspective would do everyone some real good. But pessimism just abounds these days. 10 years from you'll look back with great fondness on these years and wonder why you were so negative all the time. No, well maybe. But I just get tired of all you "Debbie Downers" raining on our parade when this is such a glorious time to be Bills fan. I mean geez, it's been so crappy the last 20 years but you all seem to really forget all those terrible teams. Just have to have something to complain about. But yeah, I need to let you be entitled to your own opinions. For that I do apologize. I get too fired up sometimes.
  15. I sort of agree with this. But I'd give them them "dominant" label against 90% of the teams out there. Doesn't hurt that we play a lot of weaker teams this year (thank goodness). In some games, when they're in the zone, they are definitely dominant. To the poster that said not having truly elite D-lineman is the one weakness, I'd like to remind you of the SB years back in the early 90's. We had Bruce, who was as elite as they will ever come (and why I started following the Bills in the first place). But not having a good, big bodied D-tackle and playing the 3-4 is (see Jeff Wright), I think, what really did them in, especially against the power running of Dallas and the 'Skins. Add to that, the secondary was ok, but overrated IMO with guys like Kelso and Odoms who seemed to have been popular but gave up way too many big plays when you go back and watch them. (I really hate Kelso, who was so soft but popular for some reason. He's also just as atrocious on the radio broadcasts). So you can have that elite guy, or even two,mbut doesn't get you over the hump if the rest of the d isn't up to snuff. This D is better, as a whole, as any they've ever had. My point is that "elite" (a word used way to much on this board) D lineman ain't all you're dreaming of. I'd rather have what we have now, with a developing lineman like Groot, than a crappy, overrated back end. This year, as a team, they are getting the pressures, which is making those QB's get rid of the ball much quicker, with gives our back end real chances to get those turnovers. The proof is in the pudding.
  16. So the one team that had the, bar far, most dominant and unique running back of our time, gave the D all they could handle. And that, in turn, opened up the play-action for Tannehill which is just what they do when they have Henry plowing away at will. It was not exactly the type of offense this team is best suited for. But making huge over-generalizations about what is a very, very good defense this year (I won't quite say legendary yet but it's worth mentioning) I think is going overboard a little bit about one friggin' game of the year so far. If you haven't noticed, not every team (almost none other this year) has a Derrick Henry running over everyone. Ever stop to think about that for a second? That's why I hate these dumb one-liner responses to a good question posed by the OP. Guys think they're cute with ill-advised BS like this that take absolutely no thought whatsoever. How about a little more discussion about a decent question to start this thread? Or is that too much to ask? ABSO-FRIGGIN-LUTELY!
  17. Let's just pray he doesn't have to make a winning FG in a Super Bowl on grass if he's not used to that sort of turf. You older fans will know what I'm referring to.
  18. My bad, bro. I got you mixed up with Bferra13. Oh well. I know Marines get at least mildly offended when they're mistaken for others, but not so much the rest of us I think. I know the point you're making and it's totally valid, which I should have mentioned previously. But it's college athletics and we all know that system is ripe with suspicious practices. My wife went to Virginia Tech when Mike Vick was there. He was actually in one of her classes. Or at least that what the school officially said. But of course he only actually showed up for maybe 2 classes, yet somehow passed with no problems. Hmm...... So it's no surprise the service academies have some shady-type policies now. I remember "The Admiral" when he was doing his service and how that went. He actually went to a high school just across town from mine (I went to Osbourn in the city and he went to Osbourn Park in the county). It all comes down to how special you are I guess because, ultimately, if you can get a US Senator to "make a call", you get some really special treatment. Who knows how many of those have been made for some of these athletes. And yes, it's a another waste of taxpayer dollars but don't get me started on that conversation. I'll go on forever. Anyway, sorry for the mix-up. And I should have mentioned before that your point is definitely valid. I'm actually surprised a bit at this guy getting out so early myself, considering he wasn't one of the biggest names in NCAA football. But then it's not who you are, it's who you know. BTW, my dad was a Navy corpsman. Hence me being born in San Diego at Balboa. Nothing wrong with the Navy, I just don't like the idea of being on a boat so far from land for so long. Turns out the Army was a good fit for me.
  19. Former Army MP here. Born in a Navy hospital actually, and known many Marines throughout my life. Just remember, Sherpa, the only people that are really impressed with your USMC cynicism are your fellow Marines (enlisted mostly). When I read your words here I get the distinct feeling of being in some bar in Jacksonville, NC or similar having a few cold ones with a couple testosterone-laden dudes with really short haircuts, if you catch my drift. It just doesn't go over the same with the rest of the population, civilian or otherwise. I mean we all know you dogs are the tough guys of the services, we know. No need to rub it in further. (Smiley face wink)
  20. Now over 30 years of fanhood from me, brother, and lived in NoVA for way too many of those years. I feel ya, bro! Going back a few years now, it's almost ridiculous how much I agree with Warcodered on this board. It's uncanny.
  21. We endured so, so much misery for so long since Jim Kelly left. So much misery. But my oh my how things have changed! The Big Cheese upstairs is finally paying us back for keeping the faith. I can’t tell you how happy I am that I never even considered jumping ship. I still can’t believe it but I’ll take it.
  22. Mods feel free to merge or whatever needed. Just saw this on Rich Eisen and HAD to screenshot it. Big Ed Oliver saying hello to Mike White on Sunday afternoon. If you haven't seen it already, I highly recommend you go back and watch this highlight and pay special attention to White's face and body language after Ed totally dumps him to the turf. Honestly, this is one of my favorite plays of the season so far. Love Big Ed! He's not Aaron Donald, but I bet 99% of NFL offensive guards and centers out there would rather not have to deal with him for 4 hours. Does not get much better. Also:
  23. Purely for personal consumption I’m sure.
  24. Well that's pretty darn cool, IMO. He probably feels a little differently about his time here, having grown up significantly between then and now. Very cool! Has Fred Jackson done one of these legends things yet? Love me some Fred Jackson!
  25. I don't know what I was thinking. It's truly an original! OMG! Hilarious! What are the odds? I lived there or near there for 30 years and graduated HS there in 1992 (geez!). If you go back and look at my yearbook, you'll find more than a few guys that look just like you. Virgil, you are my new favorite, brother! So glad you're a Bills fan! If we ever meet in person, dinner is on me!
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