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Apocalypse Nuts

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Everything posted by Apocalypse Nuts

  1. I'm usually not one to support the naysayers but I feel it's warranted right now. It's realistic at this point. Allen proved it with that STUPID pick today. Atrocious! He just cannot, absolute cannot do that anymore. I think we all sense this could be very powerful offense if they can put together a complete game without turnovers. We gotta remember that JA is still extremely raw though. Realistically we may not see a ton of success this season as he still has so much more to learn that he didn't get a chance to in college.
  2. Is it just me, or are they pass-happy in the 1st half building up points and runs mainly go up-the-gut then in the 2nd half, when they have Singletary, they start mixing up run plays with those beautifully blocked off-tackle and outside runs? It's a brilliant plan if you can execute it THE ENTIRE GAME, which they are clearly not able to do yet. It's kinda sorta keeping it on the pedal, if they can execute. Get the opposing defense on it's heals with the passing game first, the demoralize then and break their spirit with a dynamic run game to close it out. We saw what it can do in the 2nd half of the Jets game. I don't know. Maybe just wishful thinking. I do feel like getting in a bunch of passing out of the gate is at least building experience for Allen much more rapidly than establishing the run game first which works but is also pretty boring unless they're breaking off 30 yard runs all day. Definitely stinking up the join BIG TIME in 3rd quarters so far. You have to think it's due in some part to defenses making half-time adjustments. Again, maybe wishful thinking. Something is definitely not working after the half and it sucks the life out of games that should be high scoring.
  3. LOVE IT! Bring some attitude for once. And don't cheap shot our Josh or you'll pay immediately. Simple.
  4. So true. Or they (we) really aren't that way all the time they just saw your post before they (we) took their meds.
  5. ? Every series? Seriously?
  6. They all need to keep hating. Bring it on! Who gives a (bleep) what anyone says about our Bills? No respect = chip on their shoulders = punch-you-in-the-face football. BRING IT!!!!!!
  7. Anything about Mahomes. As another poster said, it's the definition of "kicking a dead horse." Of course, hindsight being 20/20 and all, it certainly would be awesome to have him. But I think Miss Cleo isn't available anymore so it's still really hard to see the future.? I think we got a pretty decent one on our hands as consolation. If you really understand how much difference there is between Mahomes' path to the NFL and Allen's, you should completely understand why, seeing how good he is already, and how much he's improved already, we should genuinely be really excited. So they didn't get Mahomes. The timing was a big part of that since Beane and his guys weren't even here yet. I love that they were willing to take a big gamble with potentially a really, really big payoff with JA. McD and Beane (and the Pegulas of course) really understand what it means to be a Bills fan and what a championship(s) will mean to Buffalo as a city and region. They really feel our pain. They might as well have been here in the early 90's. They're taking a very calculated risk because they believe it will pay off big time. We deserve a big time payoff. So let's just move on already.
  8. You're just a dikkkk, man. Are you naturally this condescending to everyone or do you have to practice?
  9. Receivers getting open consistently and JA keeping his eyes downfield a lot more than last season whether the protection is there or not. You can sense he's making every effort to not take off and run on passing plays. When the pocket breaks down quickly and he doesn't take a sack, that roll-out to his right and throwing across his body is deadly. With Brown and Beasely there, he'll have better chances of having a receiver find a spot to get open. All phases of the offense look really good (pass protection needs consistency) in spurts but like has already been said they've yet to put together a full game yet (it's early I know) and they get bogged down for long stretches at a time. When they can put it all together for an entire game, or long enough to destroy another team, I'll be more optimistic. John Brown and Beasely have had a better impact this early on that I thought they would. Brown especially. I heard the talk about his great speed being just a part of what he does well- full route tree and all - but he really is all over the field doing all kinds of things. So interesting how quickly he and JA have developed a chemistry even though they hardly connected in the preseason. Almost like the coaches knew they'd synced up already and didn't want to tip their hand. I love that John Brown signing. He's impressed me with a lot more than speed. If I had to pick one that's had the most impact, it's tough but I'm going with Brown. He's bailing out JA so much keeping drives going in addition to being the over-the-top threat that's opening up stuff for the other fellas.. After a little rough of a start, Beasely's doing great also but we knew he would bring that. I was not expecting brown to have 7 catches a game. Hope they keep that up.
  10. The drive before the kneels ended in that scrum that Cody Ford got all fired up in (love that kid's attitude regardless of how much work he needs). There was an intentional ground call against JA but the Gmen declined in lieu of the unnecessary roughness flag on Cody. That whole series was weird. Then Eli's pass gets batted by Oliver and Murphy swooped in for the INT. Yeah that's some craziness. I remember when I saw them taking a knee thinking "Good call. Just get the hell out of there and into the locker room with what we have.' Sometimes you just have to stop the bad mojo and regroup.
  11. FWIW I recall having an unsettled feeling based on some craziness that proceeded the kneel down. Absolutely hate to see 2 timeouts wasted and more points before the half, but it was a good call based on what was happening at that moment. It was pretty good clock management that got them there. I'm sure they, like we, anticipated something better than the actual 3rd quarter we got from the O. McD is a little too conservative for me at times as well. I'll admit it. But he seems to know what he's doing with this whole coaching thing. I'll defer to the expert. It's all about getting the W baby! At least he didn't lose his challenges if he even made any. Seriously, his record is just terrible on challenges and I don't necessarily blame him entirely. Sometimes your luck just sucks.
  12. Energy independence is a good thing to have. Too bad it's fossil fuel based. The Chinese went nuts on solar panels the last decade or so and are reaping the rewards. Hey, there's a good idea for Pegs if he really wants to give back to the community/country.
  13. I don't think anyone's disputing the way they got stinking rich. I certainly wasn't I agree with you on the fracking. We may see some very bad unintended consequences from this weird "drilling" technique. I don't like it. It did a lot for our economy but the environment is going to pay a huge price for cheap oil and fat wallets for the big oil dogs. We need less oil production - lots less - not more. I have no love for industries that are killing our one planet. But this is my Buffalo Bills and I'll have to let it slide on this one. They did save us from Bon Jovi and Trump ? after all. Ok let me stop my tree-hugging speech now. I think to your question about Pegs intent, I don't get that from them. They seem like pretty genuine people and I think the reason they bought the Bills was to finally bring championships to Buffalo. All the perks included sure, but that's a sideshow. But I'm easily fooled sometimes and of course if there's a billionaire involved in anything, there's almost assuredly a tax write off or such angle. It's the American way.
  14. I think we can be pretty certain that the Pegulas buying the Buffalo Bills was not motivated a lot by greed. One of the lowest valued franchises in just about all sports in an old rust belt city (no offense city of Buffalo - I love you like it's my hometown but let's be honest). And with the cash they just forked over for that new training facility I wouldn't exactly call this franchise a cash cow (that facility is pretty sweet). No they're exactly the kind of owners that this team needed to buy the club. They feel the pain of those four SB's just like all of us. They have deep pockets and they're gonna spend a lot of money to try and make that pain go away with a few championships. That's a very interesting take. Good observation. That sounds about right too.
  15. Koolaid drinking or sans Koolaid, IMO he's pretty much there already. But let's be real. That's more about how terrible all the QB's have been in the 3 DECADES since JK retired. Only one even close was Bledsoe but that was doomed with because Tom Donahoe (sp?) was completely inept at his job and wasted a few years on us building crappy teams. If he just cleans up his mistakes a little bit, I'll take what we have today in JA no problem. If he becomes this perfect passer like Brady, then great! If he's just a little more accurate than today and just keeps the turnovers to a minimum I'm ok with that too given everything else he brings to the table. His uncanny ability to throw so accurately on the run as just one example. After the last 20+ years of searching for the next franchise QB, we should be really happy we have Josh Allen right now. Remember, we're Bills fans so let's not get too picky.
  16. I love the new uni's. Especially the white helmets. Like old but new again. I was stoked when they switched to white helmets a few years back though they'll always remind of Fitzpatrick (and untimely, game-killing interceptions) a little. I'm torn on the Bills logo, either the old standing buffalo or the newer-ish, current one. The old is classic and I like it a lot but it's kind of boring standing still like that. That being say, I would not complain if they went back to that one full-time. I'm surprisingly into the all reds. I thought they'd be atrocious but they kind of look cool. JA makes them look cool and so did Shady. The all blues really rock. Whatever the uniform with all this real optimism and hope and this gun-slinging, crazy running QB and all this other talent, I have to keep pinching myself to make sure what I'm seeing in our Buffalo Bills uniforms are real. It's really hard to process that at times. Can't be our old Bills can it?
  17. Not sure if others have mentioned it but TE depth is a really nice surprise so far and Kroft, the big FA signing isn't even on the field yet. How often do see Sweeney out there. Seems like he's in on 90% of offensive plays. A 7th round pick and a late one at that. Beane and Co. knocked it out of the park with the 2019 draft. Not all of them but the ones that hit are very good.I really like the Lee Smith signing. He has the blocker reputation but he can do it all. That first down catch last weekend over the middle was a great example. He's really into being a Bill too. Passion!
  18. I agree 100%. But, of course since I'm a Bills fan, I can only allow myself to hope so much before the usual pessimism kicks in. It's a survival mechanism from 3 decades of following our Bills. It's gonna be very entertaining for sure though. Man this looks like it's going to be a doozie! Yeah the tight end position is a nice surprise, isn't it? We have a 7th round pick and he's on the field a lot. We have Knox who is proving his worth already. And Lee Smith who can do it all. Not even close to last season. Oh, and didn't they sign some guy in free agency who is supposed to make an impact?
  19. I don't think I'll be yelling "THROW THE (BLEEPING) BALL! THROW! THE! BALL!" like I did pretty much every game Tyrod played (and pretty much every offensive snap). Like night and day difference now.
  20. His accuracy when on those non-designed roll-outs to the right is just ridiculous. He did that in college too. Like, things break down but the other D has to somehow shut down that whole intermediate range on that side of the field. Seems like the Giants sent at least 5 guys a lot more than the Jets did. I guess with their D line they have the confidence to do that. Didn't work out so well in the end though. I will never get tired of these throws or any of his cannon throws in the 15 yard to 30 yard range. He will kill you all day with those. So nice to be watching our QB doing that to other teams for a change.
  21. He does seem to get himself locked on by blockers at times. But when he's in his groove, he's pretty slick too. I've seen him use his shoulder position beautfully to keep blocks off while he's positioning to stuff the hole and crash down on the RB. Looks pretty natural too when he's in the zone like this. We just need more of this and less of the bad Edmunds. He still has an extremely high ceiling. I for one love to watch him chase down a play. He's so fast I forget I'm looking at a guy that's 6' 5" and 250 lbs.
  22. They sure tightened up right away after the Giants first TD. I thought it was going to be a very long day but they did something very un-Billsy and shut the Giants O down basically the rest of the game. Very un-Billsy. McDermott and Frasier have something going here, for now at least. We learned from the Chargers game last year that McD can rescue the D if Frasier has another bad day at the office. That's pretty reassuring to me. I don't know what he did but I'm glad he can do that if we're getting whooped again like that.
  23. True dat but they don't really care in Texas as long as it's bigger than the rest. Really. Good stuff, man. Appreciated. These teams are the rarest of commodities and those billionaires will give a lot to be part of such exclusive clubs. I feel like I remember the other 2 bidders were not going to top $900 mil but I may be wrong. I know that Bon Jovie's team was around there but it was early in the process.
  24. Yeah $1.9 billion ain't peanuts and I'm pleasantly surprised by that number. They bought for what $1.4 billion. That's quite a return so far. If memory serves me, the bidding for the team was probably in the $900 mil to $1.1 billion range and they came in with that fat $1.4 billion to make everyone else give up and go home. So they essentially paid a couple hundred million $ just to get it over with and guarantee they'd win? That's some real love for this team and Buffalo as a whole community.
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