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Everything posted by spidey

  1. R Jen* is the best damn announcer in all of hockey. Man I miss hockey and hockey hotline
  2. moot point since he doens t have NFL HOF number. CFL is a different issue.
  3. next bike or someone will create a performance enhancing jock strap
  4. You know it would be great is ESPN picked up the AHL playoffs. With Empire gone not a chance to see Amerks at all :-(. I bet they are no longer on 1180WHAM so u could at least pick up the game this far south once night falls
  5. It really is sad but he is in his upper 70's ( I believe turns 77 this year)But I remember listening to him call games back in 60's when I was to to young to go to games and than all those days in the stadium listening to him call the game. I think a full throwback Uni, including helmet, to our 65 championship team would be fitting
  6. He might last 3 years but only in calendar time, guy cant stay healthy so think 2 - 4 games a year. I remember his freshman year at State looked like a great back in making but even than always had that nagging injury alot like Travis
  7. so u get rid of winners and get a bunch of losers( except for Tim Russert)?
  8. I see you watch the West Wing when Bartlett grilled the conservative reverend!!!!!
  9. Correct this is why in a presbyterian church I attend once in a while they serve grape juice not wine.
  10. So u are saying that the catholic doctrine prevents married couples from having sex unless its for procreation? So I guess if wife is post child bearing or had to have ovaries removed for medical purposes etc that any sex after is a sin? Hmm maybe thats why my parents go to confession so much
  11. being a UNC fan you would know
  12. No one is forcing you to stay its a personal decision one makes. Whatever you decide is your decision. I would suggest you wait a while and see what happens since some hardliners were best reformers!
  13. same here this guy is a great returner and seems like he has good coverage skills. I think the Silver Fox is playing a bunch of NFL GMs at this time working on best scearios to help out his team. Amazing how many people wanted him to pull the trigger on Arz deal and now many more options present themselves!!!!
  14. Highest series 777, highest game 299 ( damn 4 pin wiggle alot but wouldnt fall down) I carry a 193 average in a league with lots of plastic and old rubber balls( If you are a bowler u understand impact that can have on the shot )
  15. If you know of a season ticket holder see if they can buy you two when they go on sale to them early. Otherwise expect to overpay on ebay etc since there are alot of season tickets owned by scalping companies.
  16. I do my own and have won numerous awards. A view of my yard
  17. Probably the proper order. The Drew trade at the beginning looked like a saviour for the Bills, ticket sales and season tickets increased etc. Problem is he was good for only about 16( I am being generous) good games over the three year period with 8 coming in the first year. Lamonica vs Kemp had the city as polarized as RJ vs Flutie. Best Trades : OJ to San Fran - eventually allowed a trade that brought Kelly to the Bills Trade for Bisquit
  18. But sucks that we get at NE again on a sunday night!!! XMAS eve on raod will make it easier instead of having to get home from game and go for dinner. Plus XMAS eve is a meat abstenance day so a tailgate with fish isnt my idea of great
  19. man if he is going to be a cranker he needs a little work on form since his ball isnt working as well as it should. He needs more speed to play the shot he is attempting
  20. henry for their 2nd round pick straight up does the trick for me.
  21. Sitting in a sports bar in cary, NC with a buddy of mine. We had never watched a Bills game together in which they lost. At Halftime I am like well there goes our record ( 30 - 0 at that time naturally no SB until later in that years playoffs). So we are talking during halftime and he has convinced me to stick around for the second half. ( I had ONLY ever left early from any Bills game in 1984 during a lousy rainy, sleeting and miserable Nov day getting pounded by the Pats.) So I agree to eat more wings and stay for second half. After the Intercept for TD against FR I am now ready to head home but again he says hang around heck was else do ya have to do. So we do and damn I am glad we did, since had lots of dolfag fans at the sports bar and they were big time using choke signals and every other slander against our beloved bills during the entire first half.
  22. may perpetual light shine upon you.
  23. when is last time he posted are we sure he still is in the "system"
  24. No ICE man he was a true treasure him and Spiked kept this bpoard alive. Plus how can you not mention anyone from the Nervous GANG.
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