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Everything posted by spidey

  1. Personally I like the Herman Munster look much better that that wise ass texas dork look bush does with his shoulders. That bring them terrorists on look.
  2. Oh Richie boy that must have hurt DC Tom really hard, what else do ya have.
  3. Man I knew the Hockey lock out would sooner or later drive someone insane
  4. GREAT NEWS means game will be done in HD
  5. Yup that is his name he has a commercial he does for empire what a laugh looks like that infomercial guy that wants to point u to all that government cash out there.
  6. I wonder why he isnt out on the field, since I am sure that you had the same injury and was out competing again next week
  7. How did I miss that one
  8. Plus since you do know football it wasnt just teams with best looking Unis who won
  9. Wow this is the record for shortest time for you LEAVING this board. Plus I thought you and TD are best buddies now why dont ya give him a call and do all that you have suggested. Trading Travis and Moulds right now for draft picks so that TD, who is worse GM in your mind, can spend on more wasted OL picks? Man wake up or chill or go find anothehr team since ya dont like anything about this one.
  10. Based on what I have seen work against the Patsies is run the damn ball but also get both Travis and Willis in game at same time with 3 wides, give their defense something to think about.
  11. Maybe we borrow a few of billy dork schemes. First off standing everyone at line of scrimmage with no one in four point stance. Second fake injuries if they ever start going no huddle to allow for player personnel to get on field.
  12. As a true republican I couldnt have written something like this any better. It has been extremly sad that the party that produced Honest Abe, Teddy R, Ike and even Nixon has been hijacked by the blowhards like Rush and the fundamentalists. Its amazing how such concern was raised about seperation of church and state 40 years ago when JFK ran yet today we are guided by a president who is creating a new modern inquisition and crusade.
  13. Just ONCE I would love to see a photo or new coverage of these MILLIONS of Iraqs that want us there. Why arent they out enmass like we saw in Serbia or in Germany when the wall was falling down? Dont give the excuse of they are scared. We abandoned them in the first gulf war when we didnt continue to march on Baghdad when we had a real coalition of nations.
  14. Just thinking about exchanges in the white House these days: Powell: But Chief I kept telling you Iran, Iran, Iran Bush: Colin glad to hear you are looking after your health that way. Whats our latest intelligence on the Nucular program in Iraq? Powell: Iran, Iran, Iran
  15. Right when was the last time that a regional issue had anything to do with the outcome of a presidential election. OOOPS I forgot about an antiquated process in florida.
  16. Why do you say simple majority is a disaster? In each state today Governor is majority, senator majority, congress person majority, city mayor majority, dog catcher majority. So if it works for EVERY other elected office in this country why not president and vice president?
  17. Actually afraid of being embarrassed is more like it. Cant remember the guys name but ran with Ross first time around humilated the snot out of Qayle. Plus wouldnt you love a debate were the damn questions arent canned, say an open forum so the questioner could reply " Hey dork ya didnt answer what I asked just pontificated on your position"
  18. Probably just someone who didnt study for some exam or just a wacko wanting to see what happens. Amazing in the late 70's and 80's it was very common for bomb scares and they always made the news. Wonder if now its just become so common that we never hear about them since other more serious stuff is going down or since a bomb didnt go off and spectacular journalists could run in and report from the rubble that it dont make the news?
  19. So answer is vote them out but how can we with todays system? Libertarian candidate not invited to debates? Last third party candidate in presidential debates was Perot. I was a reformist with Ross the first time around the second time it was clear Ross wasnt for reform he was on an ego trip. BTW My enitre presidential voting record except Bush Sr first time, and Clinton second time around has always been 3rd party candidates.
  20. Will the libertarian candidate be invited to the debates? How about any of the other third part candidates. The system needs fixing fast since we have a polarized country and its only getting worse. Just look at how folks on this board attack over everything.
  21. Sorry at one time I thought the Electoral college was they way to go. However with these now FIXED red and blue states your vote only counts if you live in a battelground state. It is time for some major revamping of our political system. We must get rid of Bills that have all types of other things attached it should be single issue bills prevents the pork pile on. With current system I vote for a new law and tacked on somewhere in fine print is support for/against ( fill in blanks) Voting records of folks in congress can be twisted in any ways, I can attack the most conservative folks by saying they voted against a conservative thing etc. The Electoral college is no longer a proper mechanism it should be a simple majority which will encourage folks in non battleground states to express their liberty and vote. Today voter turnout is at its lowest since many folks feel their vote doesnt count. We must also institute term limits, the founding fathers didnt ever think folks would be career ploticians the idea was to serve and than return home. The two party system we have today and control it has over the process makes it impossible to reform to a modern form of government that is more reflective of the information age etc.
  22. So Darin are you suggesting an armed revolt against our current political system? If not what remedies do you have I and many others who realize its voting for lesser of evils from each perspective are interested.
  23. Only if it also includes fried onions
  24. Hmm Swift Boat Veterans??? Does that ring a bell? Or are you so wrapped up in believing that Bush is somehow Reagan reborn?
  25. How about following: 1 Bush versus Cheney on Gay Marriage 2 George versus the Pope on who is more rightous 3 Cheney vs Putin is the cold war still on
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