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Everything posted by spidey

  1. Second and third if required
  2. Right the outcome of the election may not be know till after votes for the proposition are counted and than electoral votes divied up based on percentage. Cant wait to see the challenges in the courts if that passes and the race is deadlock with colorado throwing either over the top.
  3. Probably watching those adult movies. What amazes me is folks like him somehow think its ok to STEAL service. Wonder what else he gets for free?
  4. yeah like intelligence community was on top of the 20 hijackers.
  5. Mickey is somehow fixiated on drool.
  6. Do you think people who are the undecided or not so far to one side or another that would consider voting for who they believe is best to lead country, represent their district, lead their state, be a senator, are influenced by who WON the debates?
  7. Its sadder that so little of the population sees this as fact. The other problem is there are about 400 other lobotomized chimpanzee's running for re-election/election alone.
  8. But after watching all three debates and listening to all the spin etc neither of these guys provides me a reason to vote for either of them.
  9. Yeah intelligent and informed voters determine who they will vote for by who drools less? Man if this is how people decide how they vote this country is in worse shape than I could have ever imagined.
  10. Actually drug companies in US claim they cant make enough money on creating a vaccine. So how much must a drug company make? Isnt this noble enough cause to produce for base cost??? They should be more worried about Vioxx and other drugs that have proven to cause harm.
  11. When the transcript comes out go look at it. I just played it back in Tivo he said the shortage is created by litigation.
  12. No matter what side you sit on this is definetly a major mistatement. Kerry said he will not appoint a judge that would change or overthrow anything in the constitution. This attitude would still make slavery legal.
  13. So the shortage of vaccine is due to litigation problems? Can someone please explain to what the hell he means?
  14. I just have this feeling that he has already been captured but being held until just before the elections.
  15. Nope never been polled except to determine radio station I listen to.
  16. Nah I think Richio would say Nuke em till they glow. DCTom, I agree when will we know when the wars are over? At least in WW2 you had formal surrenders by what is a controlling government. There has been no surrender to date in Iraq and without a real formal leader of terrorism not sure when that war will ever be over. Even if Osama himself is captured or killed can we really declare victory?
  17. yeah he steals DirectTV service wonder what else he does that is so noble?
  18. Right no one can compete with you except for GWB. Both of you are at about the same intellect level which for most here they would have to lower their intellect at least 1/2 to be at your level.
  19. Smack, smack , smack, Ole Richio tell me how pure those compassionate conservatives are.
  20. Not all Catholic priests are refusing communion to politicians like Kerry etc. Some Bishops believe in a difference in what you believe and what you try to force on others. I am sure that Kerry is like myself and would prefer that abortion never be required except for health and well being of the mother, incest or rape. However we dont have that situation today. What the radicals try to imply is that abortion is being used as a birth control mechanism this is the stupidest thing ever stated. It amazes me how folks like Bush and Cheney are against abortion but would be first ones to send daughters overseas if they became unwantedly pregnant. Just like Cheney now supports Gay Marriage since he has a daughter who is gay wonder what his stance would be if she was straight?
  21. Mike I just dont see it in McGahee or Evans, maybe add JP and now that trio might be able to make the lack of OL and an offensive game plan to make something really happen. People dont want to blame Drew but since second half of his first season when BB exposed him big time he has been a less than average quarterback. The experiment is over its time for us to cut losses and move on.
  22. Plus I see him being chased out of New York pretty soon.
  23. Remember we traded that for chance to Get Loosman. We need a new QB its a given so we took it this year when QB spot was good versus next year that looks weak. Plus theory was gives a year to get ready but that was ruined by TV. But look at Big Ben he has jumped right in and is doing a fine job.
  24. Didnt see that while watching the game but hell it took 3.5 quarters before ripping them? After the first half he should have been all over their faces. What I never seem is him animated when they show sideline shots like you do with other HC in the league.
  25. He thought Mularkey and Clements would help us out but based on what he is seeing in Pitt this year he is glad to see them gone. What is distressing from my viewpoint with MM is his lack of emotion of any kind on sideline.
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