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Everything posted by spidey

  1. Not in mayberry, I live in raleigh and the folks at the polling place dont know me from Adam. I am amazed they just ask name and address. I figure I could vote as many times as I wanted just be a different person at different polling places.
  2. i live in NC and have NEVER EVER been asked for ID, just my name and address. When I lived in NY no one even asked my name but every poll worker at the firehall knew who I was.
  3. So that explains everything
  4. Here is a conservatives view in the other direction. http://www.amconmag.com/2004_11_08/cover1.html I agree with you however neither of these smucks is worthy of my vote so its third party for me as well.
  5. I wasnt questioning what you do. You made the comment ProAbortion Murderers. You try to lump anyone who is pro abortion as some how being a murderer. But if someone was was pro capital punishment killing I am sure you wouldnt call them a murderer would you. What I was challenging is the hypocracy of the pro lifers whom seem to only be for life in certain situations.
  6. I just love how pro lifers are all worried about an unborn child however fail to address the concerns of the already born. Its okay for them to kill whom they want and are always the first ones who were sending their daughters to Europe before abortion became a right in this country. If the right wing conservatives really believe that every life is specical than they should have been the first ones calling for end to capital punishment, voting to get rid of assault rifles ( yeah really need them to hunt deer), should be concerned about funding distribution of condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
  7. Oh my gosh somehow the liberals have infiltrated the Alaskan Republican Party? Darin I am with you since the Republicans have controlled both houses and the senate the spending continues. I have yet to meet a politician from either party who is TRUELY for smaller government. Politician = pork lover
  8. So Richio please give me specific examples of what Kerry has said he would do that somehow will make it easier for the attacks to occur? Would his plan to secure the Mexican borders, do more prtection of ports and nuclear facilities somehow increase terrorist attacks? Would his plans to get more involvement by Iraqi and other allies engaged in the rebuilding process somehow make it easier for "those who hate us to attack us"? So looking back in History when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor wasnt a democrat in power? Was it not a democrat that helped endWW2 earlier? Was a democrat not in office when "attacks" occured in Vietnam that escalated our involvement? Maybe you are just saying that 9/11 would have never happened if Clinton would have invaded someone after the attacks on the embassy and the Cole? So who was he going to invade? Plus I am sure if Clinton did more that sent a cruise missles and invaded with false pretenses the right would have been leveling another impeachment charge upon him.
  9. Hey who said anything about p*ssy, they just said they were having more sex
  10. No we the USA. We need to start drawing up those surrender papers to the terrorists just in case Kerry wins.
  11. So speaks a compassionate conservative
  12. So keep believing that if Bush loses the election that the terrorists have won. Damn we might need to start drawing up the surrender papers. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  13. Did you read the article because it clearly states "A lot of materials left Iraq and went to Syria," Duelfer said. "There was certainly a lot of traffic across the border points. We've got a lot of data to support that, including people discussing it. But whether in fact in any of these trucks there was WMD-related materials, I cannot say."
  14. So time to invade those Bastards now.
  15. At least they have a mind!
  16. Arnold and Jesse Ventura in 2008 now that sounds pretty damn good
  17. So I still have faith in the republican party 11% of us are willing to think versus the 89% that you represent
  18. I liked white helment with standing Buffalo switch to red was so that ourQB would know who to throw to.
  19. Actually I like either combo of white shirt blue pants or blue shirt white pants. The all blue or all white sucks. I always felt the SB era teams would have looked better and maybe even won one if they had tried white jersey with Blue pants. Plus I would rather see royal blue back than this navy junk.
  20. Bump just to see if we can get this one past "I am a horrible human being"
  21. Remember Clinton caused Aides, 9/11, this politically divided country, the flu vaccine shortage, hid WMDs in Iraq. He and Hillary are the evil of the right wingers.
  22. No Richio didnt mean that it would be admitting that more people are poorer than before
  23. She is a "spy" for CNN
  24. Actually you are wrong. Canada restricts the prices on what the drug companies can charge. Its the American Drug companies that cried foul when they started seeing these seniors from the US going to get Rx in Canada.
  25. Fat Fungers, oops Fingwrs, oops Fingerx, oops Fingers. Damn maybe its just sticky keys on the keyboard from something I wish not to really know.
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