It was an interview with one of the talking heads, wasnt Frist but someone more conservative that may also be a doctor. I have been flipping between PBS and Fox all night.
Didnt catch what conservative senator it was but he wants the following:
All abortions not allowed ( doesnt even except rape, incest or health and welfare of mother)
Ban gays from teaching in schools
Ban Single mothers from teaching in schools ( wonder if these are unweds or ones that might be divorced?)
What make me wonder is why these guys arent for the following:
Against Divorce see that divides the family
Man does he know something that the talking heads dont and is going to concede? Or does he know that brother Jeb has taken care of business in florida much better than 2000?
It is early but I had this uneasy feeling earlier in the week that Dubya would win by a landslide. I am actually hoping the opposite so that the republican party can move back to center from the far right that it has been driven too.
I might not be a supporter of Gay marriage however am willing to allow for gay unions to afford all rights to the partner that spouses have today for access to health benefits, life insurance, health decisions etc.
What cracks me up is the religous right somehow thinks that gays teach children to be gay. Every gay person I know has been gay from day one that I knew them it just took them sometime to figure it out for themselves. My view is that of you dont like what you see ya can always turn the channel, leave the parade etc.
Actually Tom I had time to look it up and you are wrong , what I read says president is for one of top 3 electoral vote getters and VP for one of top two.
I have seen on TV folks claiming we could end up with Bush/Edwards if we have electoral tie. But is there anything in constitution that says the house or senate must vote for one of the candidates? Could we see an interesting thing of a dead tie and than moderates of both parties kick out the radicals and start leaning toward centrists like McCain and Liberman? Could we see a true political revolution occur or are the electoral reps required to vote for someone who ran for office???
Here Here as a centrist leaning republican I am hoping and praying for a Kerry landslide tonight. It will really force some soul searching in the party and we can get back to the GOP of old( BTW Reagan helped push the party to the right by bringing some of the far right into the fold)
Maybe his Hemeroids were kicking up or he is just a cranky son of a B word or had issue with the anal idea of only having two lines and he was stuck in the one that seemed to have more people?
Did you ever consider that maybe the guy was just doing what he was initially told to do? Its amazing how you just jump to conclusion that somehow this was a democrat plot to steal Virginia. Man get a life and start thinking for yourself instead of just getting views from some talk show guy etc.
So Dork how are you sure this old guy in the highly republican district you live in was a democratic plant to slow down Republicans that vote come hell or high water? Sounds more like someone in heavy republican area trying to convince the not so committed democrats to just leave since vote dont count?
Maybe you need to continue story how a lovely EMT starts to give you mouth to mouth .......
Mark actually I think you have just discovered your true calling of writing for penthhouse forum. I dont know it just had that flow and feel to it.
As I stated before when I went to polling place all they asked was name and address with no request for voter ID card or picture ID even though the signs clearly stated this was needed. I noted most voters had id and cards at the ready however never saw anyone being asked to show it and when my wife showed hers they sor of looked at her like "Why are you showing me that".
Voter turnout seems to be high in Raleigh at some precincts however at mine it was a line of say about 250 people and that was it when we left no one was lining up at end of the line.
Sorry the media didnt create this divide it was created when Clinton upset Bush and what the republicans fekt was their god given right to be president was taken away from them.