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Everything posted by spidey

  1. Not worried about to big a rate increase. I still pay 39.95 for more channels than I did in 1996. Sunday ticket has only gone up 70$ in 8 years I think thats still a deal at $300 a year since its not just Bills games its EVERY NFL game on sunday!!!
  2. Call back that rep and ask them when you can get cable sunday ticket and see hat response is now ( maybe next year ).
  3. I was actually thinking more on the lines of travis and willis in backfield on majority of plays with lots of motion from each to keep them guessing run or pass.
  4. I dont know I was hoping that this winning was cuz your DTV was on the blink, but watching the Bills in person what affect will the Nervous curse have on them?
  5. I wasnt thinking of you :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: but me with each on my knee
  6. DirecTV also extended its deal with the league through 2010 for the Sunday Ticket package. The satellite distributor will pay $3.5 billion for the five-year extension. Dont see anything but a special limited game set on Cable.
  7. Moorman = MVP!!!
  8. Agree but what would I do with my wife
  9. I think they are the suprise team of the season just like Carolina last year. I was figuring Big Ben might start hot but now he is showin really veteran like abilities. Its good to finally see the Bills running the offense they said they would with smashmouth running and with that Drew may be good enough to help but really cant wait till we can see JP and maybe all these folks thinking we wasted another #1( Oh yeah Willis was claimed that last year) will start getting excited about this team.
  10. Thanx I saw it on both 706 and 711 so I figured 706 was enhanced game so I opted for the non enhanced since I didnt care to see running scores of other games. Oh well next time I am out of town on a sunday I will make sure I setup Tivo to record both. would have loved to cath the game live since I think this one was in HD?
  11. Damn when I went on the guide it said both 706 and 711 shouldnt have thrown away my Sunday ticket guide. Damn missed a good game. Good suggestion I am still a Tivo Newbie
  12. Your the leader of the next revolution
  13. Hell Jesse Helms is a flaming liberal to Richio
  14. I remember in the 1960 election, people made the claim that since Kennedy was a catholic the pope would be running the country and that was something to be feared. So today the country is run by evangalicals and no one seems to be concerned in any way?
  15. Fez what channel was game on I set tivo to record on 711 and all I had when went to just view was info on fantasy leagues. I fast forwarded all the way thru and thats all I had. Local TV wasnt issue since Raiders at Panthers was supposed to be on. How can I make sure Tivo can react to schedule changes for Bills games??
  16. John I agree with you on the GOP shift so far to the right, however in the democrats attempt to take back america they ran the most liberal candidate they could find. I guess they hoped him being a practicing catholic would help with that religous group. One can only hope that a schism in both parties occurs and maybe a true centrist party or reform party can be formed, I feel that is the only hope for America. Will be interesting to hear Rudy trying to later divorce himself from Biush when the right wing sends forth their candidate in 2008
  17. I doubt it he is to moderate for todays GOP. Look for Jeb to continue the Bush dynasty.
  18. Actually beyond the presidency the biggest loser was the old traditional republican party. It has been hijacked by the neoconservative religous extremists. It now looks like its time to register as a member of a new party since the moderates of this party are loosing out big time.
  19. End Zone dont waste your time trying to get these parots to give ya an answer.
  20. Specter loosing also hurts the republican moderates. When McCain was interviewed they mentioned the SC right winger and he didn answer and went right to discussing having specter and others to show inclusion in the party.
  21. Problem is loosing Specter hurts the republicans since the right wing will be more controlling of the US Senate than before.
  22. Looks like Ohio will be the deciding state, Kerry just took PA.
  23. Only 17% of voters 18 - 29 seem to have voted. Thats not a damn change from 2000. This is a sad state of affairs when many who had a chance to vote for possibly first or second fereal election and so little showed up.
  24. whats embarassing is now the EDS system seems to be having issues. Amazing with all the damn emphasis of 2000 they couldnt get a simpl esystem in place that had a paper backup. Ohio could end up this years florida I hear they got a very good deal on some previously used voting machines.
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