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Everything posted by spidey

  1. good series
  2. I am sure we will see more of these as Curtis Sliwa sister had her twins at 57 and made alot of the national talk shows etc.
  3. I harass NG because since he got Sunday ticket Bills record isnt so good but maybe its the number 11 hex instead.
  4. Jeez and if one is Arab you cant be for freedom. Man go crawl back into that cave.
  5. damn scott yur ugly!
  6. just keepin ya on your toes
  7. Boy you are slow today. The first poster stated that folks dont believe that Arafat was a terrorist and you tried to imply Munich. I was just reminding you and others that the Brits considered our independence fighters as terrorists as well.
  8. Intelligent swipe. The issues in the middle east date much further back than the crusades but I figured just recent history is enough since it shows direct American involvement.
  9. Well replace Brit with Native American and maybe you have your answer. Just saying that history sometimes changes todays terrorist to tomorrows freedom fighter.
  10. Tom in their time many of the members of the colonial revolution fighting for independence were thought to be terrorists as well.
  11. Man I thought it was related to the fish firing Wanny Oh thats Buffalo fans mourning on that one
  12. Are you saying Israel against Arabs or Jews against Muslims? You forget that there are many Muslim nations that might not call themselves Arabs. Iranians generally refer to themselves as Persians, others are Pakistani, Indian, Indoneasan, African..... Its just amazing how folks think this is a simple issue to work out with war someting that has been brewing for centuries. Final victory and democracy in Iraq will not end any of the distrust that Muslims have for Israel and its supporters.
  13. Maybe you need to understand world history and understand what was done in the middle east since 1900. We supported dictators( shahs in places like Iran and Iraq), we supported creation of a Jewish state and displaced many arabs in doing so, we supported Iraqi Dictator when he was ragging a chemical war on his Iranian neighbor. Now I am not saying these directly caused 9/11 attacks but it shows why some in the region arent so happy with us.
  14. And the Tuck rule my Raider buddies never let up on that one
  15. Whan you need to understand the bikini theory of statistics. Statistics is like a bikinin what it reveals to you is interesting however what it hides is vital. Even with the large influx of high tech workers into states like NC only the urban and suburban areas vote democratic the rural areas are locked republican and nothing will shift these folks back.
  16. Darin you were doing good till the last point "ships that are subject to AMERICAN scrutiny. " What about the Exxon Valdez was that not a ship subject to American scrutiny? Iknow accidents happen but protecting the environment is what is important in the long run and I would like to see more money and research put into hydrogen fuel cells etc.
  17. Looking forward to when Ashcroft is on the supreme court or one who thinks just like him.
  18. sort of like the multi-ethinic coalition is Iraq?
  19. No I am assuming we can trade TH for a second rounder. Send him to someone like Raiders so its a low second and than see if can get another 2nd rounder for Drew. I like the idea of three second round with two going to OL and one to DL.
  20. This is a Bills board you think we care about OU and whatever else non Bills football related stuff people post.
  21. Use your connections to see what they can do for you. Not sure if a letter is right approach I like the more informal through the connections approach.
  22. Nope I see Drew gone and hope to get a few draft picks say 3rd and 4th from someone like Dallas. Parcells likes the guy lets see what we can get. I dont want a first rounder but say Dallas second rounder or 3rd still gives us some damn good picks.
  23. You forget we already got our first rounder and that is JP. I say keep the two seconds and see if maybe someone will give ya a second and 4th for Henry and than package the 4th if ya need to move up in second round to get someone ya want, All depends on how we end season etc.
  24. Correst given we are paying 179 this year and paid 99 or 109 in 96 dont see a mjor increase but to me its a deal at whatever price it is. DTV isnt stupid and wont overprice the individual subscriber thats not been the business model for the last 8 years and dont expect it to change anytime soon.
  25. Maybe a little wishbone look :-). I agree shelton has been huge of late but I like the idea of Pats D not being able to key on Travis versus Willis and with some movement in the backfield could keep those safeties honest.
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