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Everything posted by spidey

  1. Actually like that scenario. I think we can take SD at SD better than Indy in the Dome.
  2. Agree looking forward to a meaningfull game in Jan and hopefully more. I really think its all up to us because Indy is going to beat Denver but not sure if Jets will lose.
  3. Man were did you get the material for this post? Great post this team is a good TE, another OLB allowing a good 3 - 4 look every so often, a solid right guard away from taking it beyond the next level. I stayed away from QB discussion becuase teams have shown in last few years ya dont need a great QB just one that doesnt make dumb mistakes etc. I am very pleased with the turn around of Drew that this coaching staff has created but really want to see a true camp battle.
  4. Only room for ICE cubes on the bandwagon now
  5. Any damn NBA player
  6. Commented on this during the game. I was amazed at number of empty seats. At first figured folks were getting late to seats to start game but I see fans showed up as much as the Jags did. Maybe it was too cold
  7. Plus with no hockey having the sports package on DirectTV has been somewhat useless now that Howard is gone.
  8. Maybe the coin toss can be a tie so we dont have to endure anymore of this
  9. The attempt at the Stanford toss the ball around was the best. I feel bad for bates the Fins are embarassing him. Hey Nick might not be too late to change your mind, Danny boy did same thing last year
  10. The comment about the wind being from a hurricane was hilarious. At least something to keep this game amuzing
  11. sorry 1 and 0 only makes one not two unless of course you are talking about 10 in binary
  12. Tom check your math sure TB and JT have two brain cells each but even ICE and BF together dont have that many
  13. Boy your mister positive tonight too much ICE in your drink
  14. 3 - 13 what about back to back 2 - 14, 0 for the 70's etc. Only good thing about the bad seasons is we put our names back into the season ticket lottery and moved from end zone to eventually 35 yard line. Miss living in Buff area and having Bills and Sabres season tickets but at least I have Sunday Ticket.
  15. 7. I went to Arizona game and am wearing the same hat I wore that game ever since ( except for the Sunday night loss to NE, I didnt understand the power of the hat yet )
  16. The way this team has responded from the terrible start makes me prouder to be a Bills fan than as the comeback in 1960's, comeback against the Oilers, 1980 team , Sb team and all others.
  17. Its nice to be feared again but hope the starters kick some royal arse early and make it impossible for Broncos to win
  18. The sign of a good coach is also one who listens to his player with suggestions about how they can be better. But sitting him down and cooling him down and than sending back in said hey guys their is a right way and wrong way to make "suggestions"
  19. AGREED that would please me as much as winning 50 Mil
  20. Ad one thing I noticed about Sam is that he has picked it up a notch and I believe it was after the flair up on sidelines with MM and Grey. These coaches get the message across to the players without pissing them off, I had a swim coach like that would piss ya off so much you would work so hard hoping to die so he could be blamed for it.
  21. HERE HERE. I was on Drews ass early this year and was concerned if TD made a wrong choice for head coach again, but it seemed that what they players were saying and also the changes in personnel that werent doing the job showed MM meant business and the team responded. Also having Wyche work with DB and simplifying things made a big difference. One thing I noticed today is Drew was dead on except for a couple of bad throws, but man he wanted ths game bad and its good to see the fire in him!!!
  22. I think Weiss loss will hurt Patsies big time and folks will be able to shake Brady's confidence.
  23. Only problem is the last few weeks we have been kicking serious arse so the games have been a little "boring"
  24. yeah and I remember some posters here ( one of your buddies ) that was saying TD made a mistake at not getting Coughlin as our HC
  25. One thing I did like about being on west coast for a year was seeing MNF games start at 830( That was the year they tried that experiment) Was nice going home from work at and only having to stay up to normal bed time to see a full MNF game
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