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Everything posted by beausox

  1. Greeley is a Jesuit not a Catholic.
  2. Actually in Europe universities arose from Cathedral schools and/ or Monastic sites without which much ancient writings would not have survived. See "How the Irish Saved Civilization". There is plenty of misdeeds attributable to the RCC but that should not extend to those things the RCC did well. Unless of course you are simply and completely anti-Catholic.
  3. Success is at hand. The overmatched enemy has retreated to the cover of anonymity. I attended a College not a university which is a major reason why I was well taught. The "Constitution" is a culmination of the wisdom of the ages- Pagan ( Plato, Aristotle, Cicero et al) Christian ( Catholic:Nicolas of Cusa, More, John of Salisbury) ;and Protestant (Locke, Hobbes); and Humanists ( Rousseau, Voltaire). There would have been no Protestants and no Humanists without the good and bad works of Catholicism and no Constitution. Ecrasez i'infame?
  4. Starting to lose your mo-jo, guys? The derision you emit lacks luster lately. You may even have to make a cogent argument soon.
  5. You are truly a very bitter and sad person. In spite of all the faults of those who lead the Church and in spite of all my failings I remain devoted to the Church's teachings. As someone who thought deeply about such things said "Here I stand. I can do no other". I will pray for you in particular because your passion rightly aligned will be powerful. Then you will be a very positive and happy person.
  6. And yet most of us still believe the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Many say no the earth revolves around(sic) the sun which is fixed. Still others look at the stars on a clear night and say "Oh my God"
  7. Do I hear the baying of the wolves?
  8. Are you serious? You cannot even copy correctly which is an important skill for you since an original thought has eluded to date. It is "non religIOUS" and curmUdgeon. Admittedly those are minor spelling errors but....... The "are you just learn at his knee" exposes you.
  9. Look, I realize this is wasted on you but just maybe....Anyway Hume was of the "We hold these truths to be self-evident " crowd. As i stated he would never have conceived of such a thing as flag burning and he said that some things are needed to be ignored. I mentioned marriage and he cited marriage because it was something so self evident that it need not defense- to which list I could add the abysmal ignorance of simmians.
  10. Move GITMO to Guam then Samoa then Marianas.............by then defenders of those who would slice your grand childs throat will be thoroughly tired
  11. How can one plagiarize that which they credit? I could have mis-interpreted or mis-paraphrased Hume ( in which case you certainly would not know) but I did not steal his words only his idea in a general sense. If you feel challenged retreat to the safety of the front porch.
  12. Hey! E-Coli! Should I have taken credit for Hume's thought? This is a politics board. Hume is one of the greatest Political Philosophers. The reason that you will never find Hume mentioning flag-burning is because he could not conceive discussing such a thing! However he would further believe that a rational discussion of something so second nature to our nature is an admission that the other side whether gay marriage or legal flag burning is worthy. Some things he would aver are worthy of our disregard.
  13. Some things are so basic to the community, so entwined to the culture that serious analysis is not necessary. Hume commented as much concerning marriage which he thought was so much an ingrained, obvious underpinning of society that it was beyond self-evident. I am sure david would have included ones flag, the symbol of ones land among such matters that need not reflection. So sad today..............
  14. it is not a waste of time and or effort
  15. Tom Sestak because he was unblockable and Cookie Gilchrist because he was simply the best - at practically any position!
  16. My WebpageRe: Drudge Report. Is an American citizen conspiring against US on US soil worthy of enemy combatant status?
  17. Oh! Back to the topic. States Rights has been the bane of Liberal interpretation; Federalism has made Conservatives wary. Rehnquist is rumored to be stepping down at end of this term. Replacing him would be politically easy especially if Scalia takes helm. Scalia and a Scalia clone would not be difficult to get through the Senate. Dems will attempt to get their pound of flesh and come up 15 ozs short. The real battle begins with Sandra Day O'Connor. She, emphasis she, is considered the swing vote. It is her seat over which the Dems will go to the wall. It will be interesting if Bush nominates Janice Rogers Brown for O'Connor. I can see Teddy Kennedy's jowls in full flare
  18. What kind of wart? There are so many after all. My favorite is the scrafulous kind but a big dark one perched on my nose perhaps does have its allure. To be just a common wart does not suit me. Please, please make me a wart of some distinction.
  19. A multi well at least bi- lingual insult. Such improvement!! Keep indicting yourself.
  20. someday you'll graduate from complete dependence on ad hominem attacks and actually have a point other than sophomoric humor
  21. and all the encouraging my dear..................
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