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Posts posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. With the events of the last few weeks, you now have a final Jeopardy answer and question:


    Answer:  Rex Ryan, Doug Whaley, Russ Brandon.


    Question:  Who are three former professional football executives that no team will touch with a ten foot pole?


    Apologies to Cliff Claven and the writers for 'Cheers'.

  2. Just now, Lfod said:

    Rex went on to being on TV and Doug Marrone went on to be a head coach of the Jaguars and bring them to the Playoffs. Doug was football and Rex Ryan is entertainment. 

    Yeah, I fully expect to see him on some third rate cable network with a reality tv show about his wife's tattoos, and what decal to wrap the truck in this week.  Next week:  "Hey, send bail money!  Rob and I got into a bar fight!"

  3. 11 minutes ago, BuffaloRush said:

    Case and point, the Rex Ryan hire.  Looking back I am infuriated that they were duped by that clown show.  But at the time, the majority of the fan base was pretty excited.  



    There were more than just you.  I remember branding him as the return of 'Professor Harold Hill' / 'Mordecai Jones'.  Should have ridden him out of the building, tarred and feathered, on a rail.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Ice bowl 67 said:

    They weren't bad though. Music was awesome in the 90s. Now, not so much.

    Remove '90s', replace it with '70s'.  Before long, someone will suggest remove '70s', replace it with '50s'.  And quite honestly, I enjoy listening to baroque, Big Band instrumentals, and Traffic.

  5. On 5/12/2018 at 12:44 PM, /dev/null said:

    So all I got out of the sign was



    Something glared out



    Many years ago, I delivered new furniture for a living.  At a subdivision in Niagara County, the assistant driver and I soon came to the conclusion the traditional 'Caution...Children' sign was meant for the benefit of the drivers.  Closest thing I've seen to Dick Turpin and highwaymen of England's olden times.

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