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Everything posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. I thought Little Belichick was in 'Espionage and Rule Bending Department', not Defensive Coordinator. 🤔
  2. How dare you, sir?! This will be followed up by a strong letter to 'The Times'!
  3. Call that noted football expert Stew D. Baker; he'll know how to right the ship in Detroit.
  4. If Eddie Rutkowski could QB the Bills, then Kendall Hinton (sounds like a law firm) can QB the Broncos.
  5. Isn't there some sort of double secret probation reactivation clause for Chad Kelly?
  6. And award a conditional draft pick to the New England Patriots. It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
  7. Most of the New Jersey Jets fanbase hopes the 'other people' are Tony Soprano and his crew.
  8. Keeping with my generation's practice of not even mentioning Christmas until after the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, you may now play: And: But not 24/7! 😠
  9. Profile: Shrek. Portrait: Mr. Potato Head.
  10. There must be one in the mall where he walks the goat.
  11. He's got a job lined up testing Preparation H as a face cream. 😁
  12. Jets were once in the playoffs?! * Now we'll see who's paying attention. 😁 * And yes, I know that SB III puts them one up on the Bills.
  13. Well, if there's no night game tonight, break out a replay of any of the Buffalo Public Schools' Harvard Cup championship games from back in the 1980s. Generally played at All High Stadium (behind Bennet High School), the natural turf field rendered many games a mud bowl by the third quarter. * I actually called Channel 17 one year to suggest that they resume broadcasts of the game, and ended up arguing with the receptionist who maintained they had never broadcast the game. 🤨
  14. And now you know...the rest of the story. * Paul Harvey..........GOOD DAY!
  15. "Thanks for the loan, Ralph. But I don't see why there's a condition in it about my son's haircut."
  16. James Howlett / Logan played for the Bills?! I do not know if you are the sort for indulging in states of 'altered consciousness', but several acquaintances have suggested watching that movie in that condition. 🥴 * Happy U.S. Thanksgiving to all.
  17. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. KCBIW* *Knee Corner Board, I Win!
  18. Did anyone play 'strike out'? All you needed was a school wall with a strike zone chalked or painted on it, two players, and a tennis ball. Sometimes if a third kid was available, they would act as umpire on balls and strikes, decide what level a hit was, and also to shag the ball back into the pitcher. Filled in the times between little league practices and games.
  19. RW: "I'll hold the ladder. Here are the bulbs, don't drop any." SB: "This was NOT in the GM's job description!"
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