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  1. Jeebus, we got your drift the first time you said it. 🤨
  2. And we may ask ourselves "Well...how did we get here?"
  3. 'Fragile' Frankie Merman grade?! Sammy Watkins grade?!
  4. Has anyone heard from Saxum (aka Limeaid) recently? Usually a regular contributor, I see he hasn't been here since late November. I seem to recall he was having health issues (minor stroke?); I hope he's well.
  5. Guddam Jests stealing our 'Smiley fired' thunder. 🤬 * Anyone else the Bills can 'part ways' with? 🤔
  6. For all the foul ups, bleeps, and blunders by ST the last few years, you might as well hire Danny Elfman. At least the soundtrack would be appropriate. 🤨
  7. 'Met with the Jets'... 🤔 Did 'the Jets' include Woody?
  8. He can do that, too?! Bring him in!
  9. Words can hurt. Avatars can hurt more.
  10. Kupp, Deebo...they'll be calling the WR corps (corpse?) the 'Over the Hill Gang'. * Bulldog on WGR will be ecstatic.
  11. SCREW MYLES GARRETT and his 54 pages! We need a #1 WR! (I read it here!) 😁
  12. My father was known as 'Bumpa' to all four of his grandchildren. My three grandchildren who live close by have carried on that name for me, but my three grandchildren who live about 6 hours away deem me 'Grandpa'. I am eternally grateful to FaceTime for allowing me ready access to that branch of the family.
  13. "I might buy ten of those for a dollar!"
  14. Whenever I see one of your posts, I invariably think of Eeyore from the Disney adaptation of Winnie the Pooh, or the ever sunny Duke of Doubt, from Burger King's advertising.
  15. And something besides frying pans for hands...
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