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Everything posted by Billsatlastin2018

  1. Because of the lack of TIME, TIME, TIME! You must run time off with minimal yard damage. Meaning- hold, swipe, hook, tackle Kelce & Hill to run through 6 seconds.
  2. IF you kick it properly, even only to the 15, you are not giving yourself up- there. It’s a time - distance calculation. And the rule is, assuming that’s done properly and not a short Fair Catch FUBAR, the rule is you must give up- by picking the ball up and then falling to the ground. Meaning? Minimum 3-4 ticks. Again, the only ally is reduced time to create a Max 2 play situation for the Chiefs! Kicking without reducing time is virtually 100% incorrect for this situation. A HC MUST know that, have had the Kicker work on it during the season and execute the plan at exactly the correct game time- which was right then!
  3. 2.5 days in, let me be as objective as possible. We are not Josh Allen and there is a reason why the word fan is a diminutive. The ‘13 seconds’ is ALL on the Head Coach to defend the wunderkind performance of his young Superstar QB! He failed miserably, both in the Squib Kick option and the setting of the Defense to prevent that FG. The ONLY goal in these efforts is to preserve victory, through the elimination of a very scarce commodity- TIME! Thus, with that small amount left in the game, you must, must eliminate 6-7 seconds through a squib kick, even if the return man gets to the 35 or 40. That leaves ONE and only one attempt to get 30-40 more yards. For that play, you must hold, disrupt, etc. both Kelce & Hill for another 5 seconds. Which leaves KC with one Hail Mary attempt from the 50 assuming a Holding Penalty call! So, it is more than reasonable for angry fanatics to demand that their HC explain, why those things weren’t accomplished, let alone, apparently not even thought of! Full disclosure: I am one who normally thinks that Prosecutors & Investigators of major crimes should never disclose the hidden details of how they reached their successful guilty goal. Likewise, if in Pro Sports, a HC or Manager has an advantage, insight, detail as to why success occurred, he/ she is a fool to disclose it. HOWEVER, the only down side to McD telling his version of what he planned and executed, would be to disclose that he wanted to Squib Kick for future, similar, situations. And after a Billsy Millennium of total FUBARs and hell, he should of. NOT to throw anyone under the Bus, just to confirm that he knows the correct strategies and that those will be rectified in the future.
  4. Forget about old, bitter Jerry! Go re watch the broadcast as BOTH Nance & Romo called out the correct call BEFORE it did not happen- the Squib Kick!!! Because they knew, sure as shite, as many, many posters here did, on the 2nd Half thread, that TIME was the Chiefs ONLY enemy that needed to be defeated. “McDermott was asked today about the final 13 seconds and he said he wishes the execution was different.” 100%! HIS!👎🏻
  5. Wonderful summation, Shaw- minus one critical component that I will get to. First off, as mentioned before, not being a Buffalonian, I don’t go back as far as yourself, with interest in the Bills. In my early teens, when I ‘found’ the NFL, I quickly became a fan of the excellence of the Lombardi Packers. I wrote an essay about them in HS, highlighted by the 3 peat and the Ice Bowl. Post Lombardi, with interest in the sport rising, searched for a team of my own that I could adopt, follow and witness in person. Buffalo was the obvious choice. Having married an American and watched tailgating on TV, I cheered on OJ’s 2000 yard season. Then, became a 3x Season Tix holder in the 80s, culminating in a 20 year Glory Years run! Like you, I was at Wide Right, sitting in that corner of the End Zone, as Norwood’s boot came tantalizing close. Crushing and disappointing. Zoom to Sunday night. This was arguably the greatest, most heart attack exciting, most impossible, improbable, historic contest of All Time. Taking over, from my rusty memory from the 1981 OT slugfest of the Chargers- Fish, the magnificent, last seconds catch of Santonio Holmes for the Steelers, the Butler step in for the Cheatriots. TWO QBs, so outstanding, that BOTH zoomed by the immortal Bart Starr’s All Time Playoff QB Rating- by a lot! A Bills Receiver who surpassed another immortal- Jerry Rice, with a TD recept record. THAT is something to salute. But for disaster, ‘13 seconds’ goes into the lexicon as the worst Bills defeat in their history- crushing a historic Superman performance by their magician leader- Josh Allen! To whit, the entire thirteen second sequence was a HC decision making failure of CATASTROPHIC proportions! 1) Clearly, Bass was instructed to kick it normally. As EVERYONE from me to Romo on the telecast said at the time (and here on this forum at 9:41p.m.- just after it happened) where was the squib kick? And a squib kick cannot be auto dead balled. The rule is, you need to go to the ground to give yourself up. Therefore, an immediate loss of time for KC’s only enemy- TIME. NEITHER Hill, nor Kelce were out there. I checked. Instead of celebrating, Josh’s magician like play, McDermott had to immediately get to Bass and the kicking team, to tell him what to do! There is even a cheat sheet of an Analytics nature on this very scenario for under 30 seconds and TOs. Over 30, you don’t. Under 30... wayyyy under- you must. MASSIVE FAIL. 2) That would have left nine critical seconds. Bringing you to the next profound ineptness of our HC. He knew his D was gassed. He needed to instruct them to line up, right on Kelce AND Hill and knock the ***** out of them! That brings the clock to 4 seconds and even with a Personal Foul and ball say at the 50, there is only time for ONE Hail Mary! I’ll take that chance. McD didn’t! Even though, he specifically called not one, but TWO TOs!! To do what exactly, if not instruct that? As though, unlike Bellichick, he’d never even thought about this aspect, for this situation, under these circumstances. SUPER BOWL WIN FAIL!
  6. The entire sequence was a HC decision making failure of CATASTROPHIC proportions! 1) Clearly, Bass was instructed to kick it normally. As EVERYONE from me to Romo said at the time, where was the squib kick? And a squib kick cannot be auto dead balled. The rule is, you need to go to the ground to give yourself up. Therefore, an immediate loss of time for KC’s only enemy- TIME. NEITHER Hill, nor Kelce were out there. I checked. Instead of celebrating, Josh’s magician like play, the Clapper had to immediately get to Bass and the kicking team, to tell him what to do! MASSIVE FAIL. 2) That would have left nine critical seconds. Bringing you to the next ineptness of the Clapper. He knew his D was gassed. He needed to instruct them to line up, right on Kelce AND Hill and knock the ***** out of them! That brings the clock to 4 seconds and even with a Personal Foul and ball say at the 50, there is only time for ONE Hail Mary! I’ll take that chance. McD didn’t! Even though, he specifically called not one, but TWO TOs!! To do what exactly, if not instruct that? SUPER BOWL WIN FAIL!
  7. OMG! Please let me introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and taste- Mr. Ronnie Harman! And so it began...
  8. And here’s the rub for that HOF 13 second HCing FUBAR! As per Eminem in ‘8 Mile’, when you get that ONE shot at the Brass Ring, you better take it- not blow it! ANY number of negative factors, including injury, retirement, trades, etc. get in the way of duplicating your supreme effort. Seize the moment with victory. Otherwise, history will seal your fate.
  9. ALL this^^^^^ that so many of us thought about and described to this forum! FFS, even Tony Romo was on the squib kick to burn 5 ticks! AAAAAND, during that appallingly inept McD 13 seconds, do you realize HE called TO twice? How clueless a HC are you to NOT call the entire D over to say hold them, tackle them, do ANYTHING of the 5 yard variety, to prevent 2 completions! Soooo out of it, that he obviously never thought of it!
  10. THINK? 🙄 Geez Louise, that WAS the SB!
  11. Of course. But a squib kick brings it to 7/ 8 ticks. Tackling Kelce & Hill at the line gets it to 1, with a one play 60 yard, Hail Mary! ALL on the Clapper! He even called TOs, but didn’t obviously say anything.
  12. * I was at Wide Right and watched it sail... wide right! That was, at the time, a long shot 47 yard FG. Felt terrible, but it was simply a great game that the Bills lost. * Ronnie Freakin’ Harman... ok... watched unfortunate clang for Ronnie on TV, but the Bills weren’t gonna win the SB that year! * The Music City FUBAR... the previous #1... heartbreaking, last second loss in a Playoff game. But only a prelim round, with limited talent. * THIS, THIS IS FAR, FAR WORSE! The SB was being played between the best 2 teams left! Like magic, BOTH Conference #1s had already been eliminated! The BEST Offence in the NFL, playing at HOME to play a secondary team in the SB... lost in 13 seconds from 80 yards away! Simply, IMPOSSIBLE and all on the HC!
  13. We’re all broken hearted... just like them! Ours is rooted in the same old HCing idiocy we’ve seen this entire millennium! THAT was snatching away a SB, from the jaws of victory! Simply horrendous and heartbreaking for Josh, Davis, the entire O and us!
  14. OF COURSE! What I said an hour ago. AND, the Clapper called TOs... for what, if not to tell EVERY player to do that!
  15. Good God man! They were trash... unmitigated TRASH, in the biggest game of their lives! NOT STOPPING SOMEONE 80 YARDS AWAY WITH 13 SECONDS LEFT IS THE WORST PERFORMANCE IN NFL HISTORY! Not even counting the rest of their F performance!
  16. JAM THEM? YOU TACKLE THEM! There were only 13 ticks left total! Let Mahomes throw a 60 yard Hail Mary with 2 ticks!
  17. Said the squib kick at the time! Said that a minute later! FFS, McD even called TOs where he could have told them- TACKLE Kelce & Hill when the ball gets snapped!
  18. Sorry. WE know all about Superman! WE also know how coaching idiocy prevented him from winning a SB!
  19. ***** OBVIOUSLY!
  20. SO WHAT? With 7 seconds left from the 35, they would have needed a 30 yard bomb and be down in time! To prevent THAT, you simply hold Kelce & Hill! Leaving them ONE Hail Mary with 1 second! THAT was a historic FUBAR on McD!
  21. That is like the bottom of the barrel answer for 1%! After the non squib kick for 75% And the non Holding of Kelce & Hill for 24% for the other 7 seconds!
  23. Exactly what I said. Knock the hell out of them for 2 plays and defend ONE 55 yard Hail Mary as a result of the PI! Geez Louise... Jerry Sullivan should have saved his question for tonight!! NEVER GONNA GET OVER THIS TURD D EFFORT AND HC MALFUNCTION! A clear return to the SB to beat either LA or San Fran... BOTH inferior!
  24. 1) The NON squib kick was huge! That’s on McD! 2) You TACKLE Kelce & The Gangsta! TACKLE THEM... BEFORE THEY CATCH ANYTHING! Every time you do that, it’s 5 seconds minimum! And there are only TWO of those! Defend one Hail Mary with no time on the clock left! ONE! Is that too much to ask? Once again, McD gets overwhelmed at the most crucial in game time!
  25. That! And being sooooo ***** stupid as a HC, that you didn’t order a squib kick to make it 7 seconds!
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