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Everything posted by Billsatlastin2018

  1. He’s DONE! Punt Mob! 👎🏻
  2. These absurd prices are why Tailgating was invented! Fill your boots on Eating & drinking before the game. Then, go in.
  3. Ya know, after living through the stumbling, bumbling, fumbling debacles, disasters and endless humiliations of most of this millennium, I simply can’t help myself… whenever 17 has them rolling…
  4. Sure, I’ve showed the proof here, but there’s a time & place & approach for everything- especially autographs. Soooo… a long time ago, after a Bills W, we drove over to the All American Sports Bar (RIP) to see the 4:00p.m. game. The rest of my buddies were fairly drunk and didn’t notice the staff clearing out patrons just to the right of us. So that a little old man and a middle aged woman could move down and watch. I knew that it was RCW and his daughter! And having given him a lotta $ as a Season Tix holder, I did want his autograph. After a few minutes, I moseyed down a few feet and advised his daughter that we’re Season Tix holders and I’d be very happy to get his. She advised me sure… just wait for halftime… which I did. Other times, I’ve just nodded at celebrities I respect, out enjoying a family/ friend dinner. To me, that is never time to approach.
  5. Don’t you find those in the Sunday Beer League or Aussie Rules Football? geez Louise… a 6-1 LB to this? 😂🙄
  6. 6-1 LB? 😂 Is Beanie Boy stoned too?
  7. Excellent pick at this juncture! Top speed & solid hands. Searches for TDs!
  8. Yep. Get rid of that trash- for sure!
  9. OVERJOYED to be taken by the JESTS! 😂
  10. Anybody is entitled to one serious mistake, even involving your own profession. When that total hits 4 and you leave the premises in a manner suggesting you be institutionalized in a straight jacket, that's a no go-EVER! You have become one of life's losers, who believes YOU are the most important cog, indespensible to your org! You are not- EVER!
  11. IF, at least a majority weren't lazy, boring NFL shills, there wouldn't be! There is an expectation now for a Trillion $ game, that the Announcers et al not be the Z team losers at the Comedy Club!
  12. It’s Romo or the Mannings for me! Why the Networks even pay the rest of these turds, is beyond me. Bills fans know that they have gotten the bottom feeders for decades. Lazy, no nothing, uninspired, boring clowns with mikes. I’ve turned off the audio- forever! NOOOOBODY PAYS A NICKEL TO LISTEN TO YOU!
  13. Christian Watson 4.36 6’4” 208 Jameson Williams 4.48 6’2” 179 In that order!
  14. Size! Size! Size! ALWAYS for a cold weather, outdoor team! Huge target for Josh! 6’5” Christian Watson is who I voted for. Or 6-2 Jameson Williams.
  15. Well said. But sorry. For me, it was such a short series of cataclysmically bad Coaching decisions, that in the minds of most of us- it cost the Bills their first SB. I can’t remove it until they do!
  16. uh, uh!👎🏻 ‘13 seconds’ was way, way, way, way, way worse! It was a multiple HCing FUBAR of unprecedented proportions in NFL history! That clown Harmon simply dropped a Pass.
  17. There is extensive historical back and forth about the Pass. Harmon threw Kelly under the Bus, for it being too high. Kelly, never a shy flower, fired back. Thurman ORIGINALLY supported his fellow RB, then changed his tune. My opinion was and is, that it was an easy catch for a top flight Receiver! It was the original salvo in the Bickering Bills era.That shite had to end to go forward and eventually, it did, after the Ballard incident. All in all, Ronnie got sent packing the next year and a HOFer took his place! It is easily in the Top 5 of bitter Bills’ losses. (Weallknow#1)🙄 A great game that started up the invention of the ‘K Gun’, never seen before in the NFL.
  18. Only clown orgs draft RBs in the First Round! oh wait… 🙄
  19. Yep! As we all put into the Bills folklore that day: “Ronnie ***** Harmon”
  20. "Worst experience in my professional life“ Is that was this arrogant arse believes? And very presumptive to be suggesting he’s a “professional”!
  21. Fitzy may be the best, available option at a lowball price. Would not be averse.
  22. Zelenskyy like Bustamantes!
  23. Upgrade from Sanders! Hemade one of the greatest catches ever in a SB- before some ####### took over the Coaching! Oh my bad! It was the HC!
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