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Everything posted by Billsatlastin2018

  1. Funny Stat. 1) Tua had the worst first half of any QB this season. 2) Herbert had the best!
  2. Hope McClapper is watching carefully!
  3. McKenzie was TERRIBLE! Completely unreliable in the Passing game. Sit down… next man who can catch a freaking football- in!
  4. And just like that… this game is over!
  5. Aaaaaand… it was backwards.
  6. The goal is simple. 4 more! * We’re planning for our next opponent. * We’re on to next Saturday. * We’re on to Orchard Park. Rinse & Repeat 3 more! 2 more! 1 more! AFC # 1 Seed No thinking ahead. No getting out of your lane. Stick to your knitting.
  7. Can any of these clowns catch a ball?
  8. McKenzie you ***** clown!
  9. Complete trash on 3rd and long
  10. Can we see ONE series of quality here?
  11. Dawkins bK2Bk killer holding! Thanks, you clown!
  12. 3rd & 10 against the Bills? Guaranteed!
  13. As one, I appreciate this. But in addition, it always amazes me that millennials think that older people don’t know shite! I find the reverse is true… on virtually any knowledge subject- history, sports, politics, business, younger people’s comprehension of these appears to be the last 15 minutes! Meaning? They have not Clue One why things are the way they are today, let alone the advances of human history that took place to get us there. Miles Davis, Valentina Tereshkova or Kenny Washington… they simply don’t know! Worse, they assume that older people have not experienced- personally, people, places events and things around the planet.
  14. He was injured. But, he wasn’t going to be hit, Shaw. To not go that one more yard was inexcusable. I agree with all the other idiotic Saint plays. Still, Daulton threw a 25 yard Allen- Diggs dart on that 3rd. & 17, that wasn’t dropped by a rookie. Believe it was Kamara.
  15. I’m not a Faker fan, but that little Q4 rally- was impressive! Of course,when the zoned in touts, give kudos to Baker & Brady, they neglect or fail to headline,the real reason why their teams win. In the case of both- the brain dead stupidity of the opposing team. In Tampa’s case, the WTF moment came when the Saints WR cut the route short and deliberately went OOB one yard short of the First Down marker, up 16-3 and @ 5:31. Causing an unsuccessful 3rd. and 1 and a Saints punt. TWO minutes of clock were lost there, even if NO goes 3 and out. Catastrophically stupid! And then, there’s last night. Ignoring sub standard Carr’s 5 yard INT into the End Zone, focus on the rushed for no reason, clock running, 3rd. and 1. An ex Billsy type of execution! Or the Neutral Zone Penalty on 4th. & 5. Followed by equal Moron of the Year play… getting a PF, AFTER you have sacked the QB at the 16 (2nd & 19) and the clock is RUNNING! 🤪🙄 THAT clown should have to walk back to Vegas… or 180 into the Pacific!! God, I detest stupid, selfish, football players! Thankfully, McD has eliminated that nonsense from the Bills.
  16. Terrible loss for the Raiders. they did everything to screw that up! 1) Couldn’t clinch on an ill advised 3rd & 1- fouling up the clock as well. 2) Dumbass Ray-Duh swatting the ball out on a sack! Thus losing 15yards AND stopping the clock! A Clown Gong Show!
  17. THAT is a very mediocre team, destined to finish last in the AFC-E! Their QB is lost and the supporting cast is substandard.
  18. “We’re on to the JETS”
  19. Meh. After the injuries the Bills have had, I don’t care if every opponent is reduced to the Little Sisters of the Poor- especially now!
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