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Everything posted by Billsatlastin2018

  1. Before the Season began, my review comment for the Cheats was… “Patriots. Still trash! Get Billy a Pipe & Slippers and ship him off to the Nursing Home.”
  2. Uh yeah… I got that… I was replaying it for those who weren’t around… bro
  3. Does everyone remember THAT idiot? Is that doofus still alive?
  4. Tis. But still an idiotic rule! An RB or QB extending the ball over the imaginary GL gets a TD.
  5. Uhhhh… NO! Hell, no! It’s this. https://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=38385067
  6. I don’t give a shite where people want to assign blame! The bottom line is that a HOF QB went out after 4 plays, the Bills held a 13-3 lead at the half and COLLAPSED! As I watched this embarrassing debacle… Wide Right, the Music City Miracle and 13 Seconds were flashing through my brain. Oh nooooooooo… they’re not going to FUBAR this again? Of course, they Billsy are!
  7. “Just getting real sick and tired of feeling like there’s now a logjam of teams that are physically, and mentally, tougher than us. “ There is that. When the HOF opposing QB is taken off on a cart after 4 plays, you simply can never, ever lose the game! Unless you do all manner of stupid things- which the Bills did the entire second half. ONE FG in the second half? Seriously? Here is what Mike Lombardi wrote about in Gridiron Genius, concerning some of the lessons of Billy B. “The rest of us do, too. To my mind, the most important lessons boil down to a handful of ideas that are as powerful as they are simple. CULTURE COMES FIRST. You can have the best game plan (or strategy or tactics), the best team (or product or service), and the best players or engineers or salespeople), and you may achieve short-term success. But if you haven't created an underlying ecosystem of excellence, short-term success is all it will ever be. PRESS EVERY EDGE ALL THE TIME, BECAUSE ANY EDGE MAY MATTER ANYTIME. The great ones understand that a focus on details is crucial not because they know what will matter when but because they don't. SYSTEMS OVER STARS. Obviously, I have seen some superstars up close in my day: Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Tom Brady. But superstar is the second way I'd describe each. The first is "superb system guy." Talent matters, but willingness to buy into the program matters more. LEADERSHIP IS A LONG-TERM PROPOSITION. Devotion to the process has to matter more than chasing the score. True leaders always value sustainable success over quick fixes. Much as empire builders such as Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos have ignored the quarter-to-quarter earnings game, dynastic coaches ignore all distractions-fan pressure, media scrutiny, player grumbling once they are convinced that a decision is right for their team. YOU'RE NEVER DONE GETTING BETTER. Greatness over time is in direct correlation to growth over time, and growth over time requires finding new ways to do the same old things. Real leaders, real achievers, real champions are never done learning. Real front-office guys, too. I may no longer be employed by the league, but the game is still an important part of me, and it always will be. These days, I am teaching my two grandsons, Dominic and Leo, all about this great game. And to do that I have to keep learning, especially from my mistakes. That's one reason I have a category of people I call "change-my-mind guys." At first glance, this group of players and coaches didn't impress me all that much. But over time they forced me to reevaluate them. It can be a humbling exercise. And at this stage of my career, I can tell you, these change-my-mind guys often end up leaving the biggest impressions. Demonstrate respect for each person in the organization. Be deeply committed to learning and teaching. Be fair. Demonstrate character. Honor the direct connection between details and improvement; relentlessly seek the latter. Show self-control, especially under pressure. Demonstrate and prize loyalty. Use positive language and have a positive attitude. Take pride in my effort as an entity separate from the result of that effort. Be willing to go the extra distance for the organization. Deal appropriately with victory and defeat, adulation and humiliation. Promote internal communication that is both open and substantive. Seek poise in myself and those I lead. Put the team's welfare and priorities ahead of my own. Maintain an ongoing level of concentration and focus that is abnormally high. Make sacrifice and commitment the organization's trademark.
  8. Spencer Clown… yet another terrible component of the Opening Night Titanic!
  9. ‘13 Seconds’ was the ONLY test I needed to see! The most incompetent HC performance in NFL history, at the most critical moment! McClapper can never come back from that grotesque FUBAR!
  10. Pullllease! it was total FUBAR trash! You had the opposing HOF QB out after 4 plays and your 2nd half reflected a Pee Wee effort! They we’re 100% TRASH… on every side of the ball and special teams! TRASH!
  11. Simply the second worst FUBAR of my 50 years as a Bills fan! Only ‘13 seconds’ can trump this total *****up shite show! Your opposing QB goes out after 4 plays and you absolutely ***** the bed to lose. This is 100% on #17, who only had to play a mediocre game to get to 1-0! A shameful, embarrassing, cringeworthy screw up! Bills… you should walk home! Every loser one of you!
  12. No. But, when you’re two top competitors go down, it’s important not to whiff yourselves! Especially, because at least 3 of the 2nd tier won! And I don’t care if the Bills win by 1 or 100, but it gives you a better grasp on reality if it wasn’t a stumbling, bumbling, fumbling W!
  13. This could ONLY be a catch in Cheatland! Buh Bye Billy!
  14. They still think Brady is QB.
  15. They still think Brady is QB.
  16. Missed Fish PAT ! 😂🤪🍺
  17. Not anymore! 😂😜👍🎉🍺🏈👏
  18. Poor old befuddled Billicheat… 2 decades of getting the calls and now the Cheats are on the other side! Schadenfreude… so delicious served cold!
  19. My God… is that Philly O Line fabulous? Hurts has had 5 + seconds on the last 3 pass plays!
  20. Get Billycheat a Pipe & Slippers and send him off to the Nursing Home!
  21. Da Bears… Packer B word!
  22. Mac Jones… welcome to PERMANENT LAST PLACE in the AFC-E!
  23. CBS commentators saying there is something wrong with Joe Cool’s throwing motion.
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