Anybody can beat anybody- this year! And the facts are that in the past THREE WEEKS, 3 bottom feeding stiffs with poor- woeful QBs were throwing into the End Zone on the last play of the game (or close to it) to beat the Bills!
One succeeded.
* The OC game plans were generally horrendous! (e.g. They still snap shotgun in 6 inch GL situations)
* There was no confidence to build up huge leads or apply the dagger.
* The now outmanned D, simply cannot play heroically for 4 Quarters! They give it up at the end- obviously.
* Plus, this team has devolved into Team Stupid- like the early ones of the Millenium, giving up league leading idiotic penalties at the most critical times.
And then, there’s McClapper with the buffoonish TOs and inept game management.
I lack any confidence that they will get this right.
And the following teams look like losses- Cinci, Eagles,Cowboys, Chiefs, Chargers, Fish. and yes…the never say die Jets & their # 1 D, with bottom feeder QB!
They should only have 1L by now and they don’t! Very bad imho.