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Everything posted by Billsatlastin2018

  1. NOOOOOOOO! this FUBARed ‘12 Men Out’ Season!
  2. He is as bad a game day manager in year 6 as he was in year 1. Timeouts, clock management, challenges etc. so learning from our mistakes is not for him. A significant majority of Bills fans believes exactly that. It is a condition of being a HC, that in addition to leadership indices,you adequately prepare for the upcoming opposition EVERY week. If the assumption is, that you delegate those responsibilities with proper examination and oversight to your assistants, so be it. Dorsey was obviously that and turned into a failure to be able to advance Offensive game plans that Ds figured out and had Bills fans rolling eyes on 3rd & ones from the Shotgun! Finally, the constant chorus of boos was heard at 1BD! HOWEVER, this does not absolve McClapper from END of half/game management decisions! That is simply an essential and critical skill, that few of McDs buffoon predecessors did properly. And he stinks at them! Let me be charitable and say the game I recall where he calibrated the game clock properly was at that rain soaked one in Baltimore at the beginning of the Season, ending in a Game Winning FG at the gun. But there are soooo many failures, where he carries TOs into the locker room, makes stupid mistakes on challenges and end of game TOs. And then there was 13 Seconds & 12 Men Out! These were the most egregious examples of grotesque incompetence, but there have been others. Worse, far worse, is that those 2 examples involved Time Outs! As in dead time, where NADA is rushed and essential knowledge must be imparted and done without mistake. This did not take place… more than once! And therefore, why McClapper must clap off into the sunset!
  3. With Davis, to me it’s a win if he CATCHES the ***** ball! Period! I have zero expectations that he can do more- like say there, drifting to the sideline for another 20 yards!
  4. https://youtu.be/KM2K7sV-K74?si=zhpDg1v0OzfOX0QL
  5. Wide Right was simply an unfortunate result, albeit at the most important game. The games that Bills fans go wild about are those involving gross incompetence stupidity and managerial buffoonery. Like: 1) ‘13 Seconds’! The All Time level, never to be duplicated,of HC incompetence! Especially,that your HC during a TV TIME OUT, completely failed to impart one single, simple decision to his Kicker and during TWO OTHER TIME OUTS, failed to prepare to defend 2 people. 2) ‘12 Men’! The next All Time level of managerial incompetence,where during a TIME OUT, your HC can’t count to 12! 3) MCM… the complete failure of an entire mgt team to prepare how to defend a KO! 4) Cletus McKelvin, with the brain of a gerbil, deciding to return the KO out of the End Zone and fumbling. 5) Nate Clements,normally a sharp guy, going all me me me to put an INT on his resume and losing the game because of it. 6) TheJefferson reception- ditto. 7) Josh Allen fumbling… at the GL…same game! 8 Multiple ‘4th and Stupid’ Kicks inside the 40… during the Drought…NEVER getting the ball back.
  6. Kudos! YOU Sir,win the Internet for a day! VERY well played! 👍
  7. That is wonderfully positive. But is it the type of Drought delusional drivel we would see here again and again and again? The reality is this. Cinci easily beat the fumbling, bumbling, stumbling Bills 2 games back. Of the other previous 5 games, the opponents- riddled with sub standard buffoons at QB and injury plagued rosters, were trying to score to win on virtually/ certainly the last play of the game to beat the Bills! THREE DID! These are virtually all the bottom feeding stiffs and jokes of the NFL!! NOBODY in their right mind should believe,based on those hideous performances, punctuated by outgunned Defences, a QB averaging a turnover per game, WRs, TEs & RBs who can’t catch passes or fumble the ball, a clown OC (right… cross that one off)🙄, STs who look like Tire Fires and a buffoon HC who can’t count to 12 during a Time Out, that they have any chance against the league’s 4 powerhouses. Like ***** none!
  8. The ONLY thing to move on to now is the lowest ***** Draft pick possible! Anything in the middle… missing the playoffs at 8-9, but with the 20th draft pick would be brain dead Billsy! Dorsey & #13/12 have FUBARed this Season already!
  9. You can’t coach ‘Stupid’ - is the old saw! But evidently, with the Billsy organization, the COACH can BE stupid… and retain his job!
  10. AND 2 to ***** count to 12! 100% MORON!
  11. We win Tie Breaker if both finish 9-8. Playoffs. What do you think are the odds? 🙄 After pre season expectations, Kinda pathetic reaching, aren’t you?
  12. “Big on ball security. Used a boxers glove in training camp on anyone who touches the football, including the quarterback. Ball security drills for big for him.“ Line up Davis & Cookie! 😜 🥊
  13. ONE down… ONE to go!
  14. 13 & 12 sure as ***** are, for these Billsies!
  15. Far worse, not equivalent to ‘13 Seconds’ because of the relative significance of the game, but McClapper blew through his idiotic Defensive Time Outs to get to the point where HE HAD TWELVE MEN ON THE FIELD! What type of clueless buffoon does that in STOP TIME or can he not ***** count up to 12?
  16. Now we know that McClapper can neither count down from 13, nor count up to 12!
  17. “Couldn’t count down from 13, Couldn’t count up to 12” McClapper’s epitaph.
  18. I jumped up when the Refs were conferring and said: ”OMG, McClapper called a brain dead Time Out- again!” But NO, he was saved by that buffoonery, because he had the 12th Man playing on the final, kick in the balls, loser play!
  19. Trust the Clapper!🤪😜 I ***** think not.
  20. ***** A BILLSY!
  21. It’s very sad the clown car coaching staff is still here at midnight!
  22. GTFOH! It’s a tire fire of mediocrity!
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