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Everything posted by Billsatlastin2018

  1. No, it wasn’t. It was a Bills moron, not knowing the rules!
  2. How bad is this D today?
  3. Is anyone playing on this D, today?
  4. And don’t EVER dress the Red again!
  5. ALL bad to start. 3rd. &9 ! Fitzcrapper carving them up... again!
  6. Most False Start Penalties in the NFL! Thanks process, Brain Trust!
  7. Clowns to the left of me, Daboll to the right!
  8. Folking clown job! Clown Daboll! And a D that has lost itself!
  9. I thought the Habs were playing in the wrong league!
  10. I expect the Bills to handily win this game, say 34-7. Anything less than that, against this Division 3 Team, headed by Fitzcrapper, would be nada short of embarrassing!
  11. BTW, if you’re interested in beating this other game, within the real game- finding angles are critical. e.g. While in Vegas watching the Bills & the NFL last year, someone told us he was making huge 4-5 figure bets on Alabama 1st. Halves. He figured and watched Saban run it up on the weak sisters early, covering that spread easily! He rarely lost one. These little gems are the best.
  12. Only a complete homer, with a white cane, would believe that the Bills (I mean the entire org from Owner to Punter) didn’t deserve INTENSE CRITICISM for virtually the entire Millenium! Virtually nada was done properly! Owners hired GMs because they were septuagenarian aged fossils- who knew nada but the owner! GMs hired the worst set of successive clown HCs in the history of the franchise. GMs & HCs routinely FUBARed #1 Draft Picks, overpaid for bums, gave away semi stars, couldn’t make Time Clock & 4th Down decisions if their life depended on it, etc.! Players were routinely stupid, lazy, incompetent, crazy and unable to perform football basics routinely! It has been a Gong Show! Now, we hope & believe a New Era has begun! It certainly appears so on the D side, as opposing teams appear to be frightened of this group. There are still issues on the other side and even, with the eedgit Punter! OBD should make every attempt to steal an existing, experienced WR or any other player, that will assist.Next year, of course, Draft a #1 WR! But, don’t be shy right now! When the brass ring finally comes a calling, grab it with both hands and do whatever you possibly can to improve, right now!
  13. I’ve taken the Bills First Half Line -9.5
  14. Nooooo! It just might be, call me crazy, they actually resemble a real football team, who could make and win Playoff games. Not... well, you know where not is going virtually this entire millenium. Ok, let’s face it- it’s been a 5 Alarm Tire Fire from Beginning to end!
  15. 17 games 2 Pre Season 6 extra players on the Roster. 1 challenge per game Elimination of EVERY part time, fat, blind, old Ref + Hiring of Division 1 Football Players who are in Prime shape + Replay Ref hired with HD video cameras who can instantly halt games. + Redefinition of Challenge criteria on PI
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