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Everything posted by Billsatlastin2018

  1. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 😜👍
  2. Is that a Pro game?
  3. Heard about the ESPN take by Seth Wickersham story today on Sirius ‘Mad Dog Sports’ Channel, which I listen to daily. Today, the discussion was a 1/2 hour with the well spoken author, followed by 1.5 hours of discussion on the content and Billy’s decision. "This is a big f--- you to the NFL," another Belichick confidant says. Maybe. WE all know what Billy Boy’s epitaph will be. “We’re on to Cincinnati.” In short, that was a polite “***** YOU” to Sports reporters. But really, for his entire career with the Patsies, it was a giant ‘***** you’ to everyone! That is, it was him telling everyone: “I’m in total control here and you… all of you… from sports reporter to players to GM to owner… are most assuredly ***** not! I will do whatever I want, whenever I want. I don’t have to answer to anybody about any decision I make about football and I am NOT! Not today, not tomorrow, not ever! So, Belichick may think Kraft sandbagged him with the Falcon’s owner and he most assuredly did. But, he doesn’t get that there were 8 HCing jobs available last year in the NFL and the phone only rang twice at Billy’s for an interview! THAT was most assuredly a giant FU from the NFL to Billy! His style, way of doing things, wanting total absolute control of every single thing, is in the NFL’s rear view mirror now. They don’t want that or him. The first host was a bit incredulous at this and the non interviews given Billy’s GOAT status. The second and more said things change and not because Billy is a phenomenal prick, albeit a great phenomenal prick. NFL teams simply don’t want curmudgeon him being the face of their franchises anymore. So, off he goes to this silly job with Lombardi to a team another sports goat- Mike played for… but on the hardwood! The football side has never won anything. There was also discussion that Bubba the NC Athletics Ops head, was not in favour of Bill. At least his 24 year old girl friend will feel more comfortable with people her own age! 😜
  4. The Chiefs are not miles better than anyone. Kelce is oooold and the others are not Hill status. They’re certainly inferior to the NFC side of Detroit & Philly. I believe they are a touch better than the Bills, but are obviously beatable, even in Arrowhead… as long as McD doesn’t have to make a critical end of game decision!
  5. Did last week! Nice TD Ray! Oh wait, who TF is that guy scoring?
  6. The other thing too is to have knowledge of your existing status based on your seniority years and where they want to shove you. I was once a Bills Season Tix holder (331 if memory serves me), but also a lower 1st base pair for the Toronto Blue Jays. The Sky Dome was completed mid Season in 1989 and little Season Tix holder me, expected a good seat. But the Jays tried one on, by offering me tix in the 5th level. I could count. 🙄 And I knew from what they had provided to the public in terms of allocation and availability that they were attempting to stiff me- thinking I wouldn’t know. I immediately wrote the Director of Operations (the long time guy I had been sending Season Tix applications to), pointing out the availability v.s. my seniority position. Yes, I was re-offered tix behind first base, lower level. Don’t know if that happened here, but something to ponder.
  7. Of course! What’s worse is when EVERY half drunk Bills fan in a bar says the same! And then in the presser,you basically admit that you didn’t know the calculation of time left and TOs in that scenario… years down the road from that HO Shame ‘13 Seconds’ FUBAR… WHY are you still in your HC position? Get some assistance asap or get out!
  8. I NEVER want the HC being responsible for a Loss!
  9. ONLY…. 3 Pass Plays with 1:06 left! So, I do not understand the call, if it is to run! Cannot do anything but throw so that you save max amount of time. Score at 1:02 or 0:58 or 0:54. So that… when you kick deep, you hope to have 0:30 left with the ball at your 35-40. I trust Allen to move that ball into FG position.
  10. Stated 2-3 x HERE, especially after ‘13 Seconds’… McD needed a detailed 100 question, rapid fire test of end of half/game situations involving time remaining, distances, downs remaining and TOs! And what to do with each in 10 seconds! The expectation is to get at least 85% ! McClapper is poor at this stuff and continues to be so. You can never, ever call a TO in that end of game scenario v.s. the Rams! He appears to have just clued in that was dead wrong! incredible.
  11. Sorry, that’s not embarrassing! It’s totally ***** unacceptable! If you’re too stupid to fail to comprehend that scenario, you’re obviously too stupid to be this team’s HC!
  12. Likely. McD is a very good HC. But end of half/ game time management is clearly his Achilles heel! We don’t want a ‘very good’ Andy Reid Eagles HC. We want the Andy Chiefs SB version! We can all point to multiple games where McD kept TOs in his pocket going to the half,during the early part of his/Allen’s tenure. We can all point to his misuse of taking TOs in gams as critical as ‘13 Seconds’, plus being clued out about what to do. Likewise, we can all point out to several failures in the use of time- bleeding it off too fast and setting up nada OR most critically, not letting it bleed down to a tie/win situation with ZERO time left for the opposition to come back! THAT IS A CRITICAL, CRITICAL COMPONENT OF BEING A CHAMPIONSHIP HC COACH! If we were being charitable, we’d give him a ‘D’ in these types of games! Bonus negative marks: He can’t ***** count the number of players on the field for the final plays! 🙄 Good enough for participation playoffs trophies. Never, ever for Lombardi!
  13. For sure. Part of my calculation is to give this game’s hopelessly outclassed D… only ONE stop play- not two. I am one that wants to put the pressure on the opposing team to make a quick decision. I suspect McVay was going to go for it, based on any positive 3rd Down play. I would simply rather, a) he had to think about it; b) he had ONE shot to get it right!
  14. Well, I don’t necessarily disagree, but the math supports giving it the old college try. McVay, on balance, is gonna run twice to use the clock and force Bills TOs. By using that TO, McClapper lost the game at a 97% yardstick. It was typically brain dead of him. Similarly, on the prior questionable call, I am out of synch with the majority of my friends and posters here. Pushing the Rams back 10 yards and giving McVay and Stafford TWO shots is dead wrong. You push back the stiffs and bums of the NFL- the Cleveland Clowns, the Panthers, the Raiders, etc. The ones with QBs without a clue! You do NOT, you cannot, give the #10 TD Passing QB of All Time (certain to go to the HOF) 2 plays! You must put the pressure on and the pressure off your D in a manner of speaking, to decide whether to go for a 4th and 7 or kick a 54 yard FG. On balance, McVay is a very intelligent HC, with a photographic memory. He is likely to go, but then the D needs ONE stop. Then Allen takes over to run the clock down to zero (unless McD ***** it up again) and win the game.
  15. The reality is this. McD is a very good HC, involving multiple diverse indices, including culture, support, teaching, getting his team ready annd schemed for football on Sundays. Where he is an abject failure is one of the most critical sub components. He is simply ***** terrible about closing out halfs and games. Time left and TOs are his Achilles heel. He simply does not know what he must do or what he can NEVER do! Been burned multiple times. Should the Bills make the SB, I never, ever want the Lombardi decided on what McClapper will do or not do. We know the result will be wrong.
  16. It absolutely was NOT! I don’t know why you didn’t know the math- before posting wrongly!
  17. 100%! The game was OVER once you called that TO. That’s a decision for Losers! For those who are McClapper who made that decision or any defender here,there’s a famous question… https://youtu.be/kF-uHaKVW10?si=no3VtGIATNCRnnY2
  18. Funny… but not. Top analysts, like Brady or Romo (because they were excellent QBs exposed to these very situations) know the correct call by instinct! And they sure as shite, no what the wrong call, the monumental loser call is,too! McClapper never does. He never seems to comprehend that a huge part of the end game is to do one of several things: a) retain your game deciding TOs; b) ensure that the opposition blows through theirs by calling plays where the clock doesn’t stop; c) save as much time left with play calls designed to do so while scoring; d) make sure that clock burns to almost zero with the lead or before a final clinching score. He just cannot process this stuff simultaneously- starting with the give the Rams TWO plays, instead of one 4th Down decision. When you have the MVP on your team, you want him ON the ***** field! Regardless of whether the opponent makes a FG! Down 9, with that time remaining, you again must design plays at the GL to preserve your CRITICAL TOs!! USE ONE… YOU LOSE! Simple as that. There are no NINE point TDs that I know of. Hopelessly, outclassed in the end game is McClapper! As I’ve said here before, after ‘13 Seconds’, he should have been subjected to an intense, rapid fire test of endless time left and TO scenarios. And he needed to ace the answers in 5- 10 seconds each, so that he would know what to do instantly in real game situations. After watching these endless time management FUBARs, we know now he lacks the mental capacity to process them in an instant timely manner. We know that whatever he does is invariably dead wrong!
  19. McClapper is an End of Game buffoon! He still, years after 13 Seconds, does not know what to do or most importantly- definitely what to never do, in the most critical moments!
  20. NEVER, EVER going to get that! Why? Because every voter recalls this ever increasing laundry list of ‘13 Second’ buffoonery! The snatching of defeat(s), because his McClappy brain cannot process instant, critical, end of game decision making, nor the correct use of TOs!
  21. Of course! You don’t give the Rams another play there- EVER! You force them to make the decision about going on 4th Down. And the TO at the Goal Line? That was all ‘13 Seconds’ idiocy by McClapper! You can never,ever call a TO. That means automatic Loss! The correct play is to have Josh get everybody up immediately and fake a spike and throw it in. If you fail, throw twice more! That allows for a standard KO and 3 TOs to stop the clock. McClapper is an end of game coaching buffoon! He simply does not have the instant comprehension to figure out the correct critical decisions! The D was horrific, but McD waived the white flag at game’s end, which he invariably does. Should the Bills make the SB, I pray he NEVER needs to make end of half/ game decisions! You know they will be wrong, wrong, wrong!
  22. 17 responsible for 435 yards of Offense… 3 Passing TDs… 3 Rushing TDs…!!! but McClapper finds the way to ***** it up, with his brutal end of game decisions. What a ‘13 second’ buffoon he is!
  23. McD Schooled again end of game. NEVER, knows what to ***** do!
  24. Moron McD using the TO. lose the game. End of game decisions are his weak suit!
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