I think the appropriate comment about broadcasters like Collingsworth/ Michaels is: LAZY! When you are supposed to be the 2021 pre-eminent NFL pair (actually not anymore with any two involving Tony Romo), then don’t rest on your laurels!
If you thought Allen was mediocre, inaccurate and indecisive in his initial year- 2018, well he WAS! Now, the questions to be asked, should have been KNOWN by Collingsworth are the following:
1) Was Allen by nature an inaccurate throwing QB?
2) Was Allen hampered by a highly conservative, locked down, game plan, as McD evaluated his talents!
3) (Most importantly) Was Josh hampered by the cast offs and stiffs from the Sunday Beer League?
Bills fans knew then the dead certainty of 2 & 3!
Aaaand, we saw the morph in 2019, as the Bills upgraded the Receiving corps.
And in 2020? After all the Receiving pieces were set (with a final change) to come, where we saw a dynamic, record setting, MVP candidate of a QB! Able to leap tall corner backs with a single bound, rifle 40 yard strikes while rolling to the sidelines and just outmuscling defenders on Run plays to the marker or the Goal Line!
Any of us, knew and saw that transpire. How lazy do you have to be, as a prime time broadcaster(s) to not know that about the biggest star on one team?