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Everything posted by Billsatlastin2018

  1. Holes are huge for Henry.
  2. NO Rush on Tannehill!
  3. Bass Bugs hitting consistently! Important FG.
  4. Old School Announcers have no clue about when and why you take TOs today! You give the other team ZERO seconds!
  5. I agree with that. Who is worried about Cryin’ Tannehill, beating you with the arm?
  6. You let an inferior team stay in the game... and just like that.l.
  7. Not a quality throw, but great Receivers catch those! The GOAT has thrown those 2 footers throughout his entire career, just over the Goal Line!
  8. Only one question, we all wanna know? You were on Crack when you wrote that, right?
  9. I went on a rampage and emailed Schopp at WGR on this subject- almost 20 years ago! Among other ideas... 1) Full time wages- no more Part Time Used Car Salesmen. 2) Hires only, from ex Division 1A Football Players who didn’t get drafted and have a superb knowledge of the existing rules. 3) Must be in superb physical shape, with 20-20 vision, and a Wonderlic > 27. Fat, slow, blind and stupid are out- immediately! As in the entire existing NFL cadre needs to be sacked immediately! 4) Refs, Line Judges etc. are Graded every week. Any highly stupid call or NON call of the blatantly obvious? Out you go! Any flagrant miss of spotting the ball? Out you go! 5) Digital Electronic marking of the entire field and End Zone to assist any Out of Bounds calls!
  10. Can’t believe I’m saying this terrible HC cliche... but for sure, focus ONLY on the game immediately ahead. With KC vanquished, the Titans are a bump in the road on the way to 15-2 and Orchard Park to the SB! Henry is a formidable force and at Home! So play hard and move on to the Bye & the week to week stiffs and mediocrity ahead. More Rousseau! More Fort Knox! More Moss! More Digger! More Sanders! More Beasley! And much more 2020... 2021 Josh! Pedal to the metal. Weekly eyes on the Prize. Nada for granted!
  11. OTHER comments: 1) The weather appeared to favour the Bills. Nobody can discount the 4 turnovers, nor the mediocre performance by former MVP Paddy! I may of missed it, but did either Collingsworth or Michaels mention how many passes Mahomes spiked the ground with? (Hmmm... where did we hear that criticism before? 😂) Mahomes was flat out off! He was mediocre, his Receivers couldn’t catch balls and WE all suspect that part of that, was Frazier’s scheme to smack any Receiver good- which happened to that loudmouth, smug clown Kelce! 2) Frazier did have a great game. I think, that the Bills think... hey time to take advantage of our status of being a SB elite team, rather than the league loser doormat and let’s play like... the Patsies! We are gonna bump, grind, yank and hold every Receiver we can- especially in certain situations. And because we are elite, we’re rarely gonna be called on it. 3) Allen, because of his running abilities, has DCs terrified. They are never sure whether he is gonna act like a 6-4 RB and bull his way through or OVER for First Downs & TDs or rifle bombs. They don’t know what to do, anymore. 4) Speaking of the WRs & TEs, I’ve been watching the Bills and live (notthisyearbecauseican’tgetacrossthefreakingborder🙄) since the early 80s. Maybe it’s old age, but I just cannot recall so many Receivers, in so many games, being wide, wide open, by at least 5 yards! This is a testimony to themselves and to Allen who creates these situations, finds and hits them! 5) The Refs were TERRIBLE! Abominable. Clearly, obviously the terrible RTP call on Allen was strict evening off for that eye rolling Holding call previously on Morse! Of course, NO mention of both in the same sentence by the Announcers. Nor a critical Q2 play, where Rousseau’s jersey was yanked off when he was 2 feet from sacking Mahomes at the 20! Obvious, in plain view, missed or ignored by the Refs and never commented on by Chiefs’ Pom Pom Boy- Collingsworth! All tolled, it was Allen’s, McDs, Frazier’s & Knox & Moss’s finest hours!
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