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  1. Marc Davis is going to take the last viable place for an NFL franchise when he moves to LV. So, yes, I think it would be hard for Pegula to find somewhere else. Secondly, how do you think Ralph Wilson finally came to the conclusion that he had to pay Jim Kelly back in 1986?? Its because the fans quit coming to the stadium to watch a crappy product !! Its time for us as fans to start showing our displeasure. Do you really believe Pegula would move the team as a first option if attendance began to fall? I don't. He would finally put a winning product on the field first. No, I'm not - He fired Regier immediately when the fans revolted. San Diego, Oakland are not places he would go. LA is covered, and LV will shortly be taken by the Raiders.
  2. OK, Promo - What is your solution then? Are you telling me you would rather have this garbage football team forever and ever? Well maybe if Tim Graham were GM he wouldn't deal away multiple draft picks for a fragile Wide Receiver when there were other WR's on the board who were just as good, and maybe he would actually find a decent QB as well. Tim Graham couldn't possibly do worse..
  3. Read the article in the Buffalo News about Whaley's record written by Tim Graham this morning. It says all you need to know about Doug Whaley http://buffalonews.com/2016/12/18/roster-data-shows-bills-gm-doug-whaley-not-building-roster-creating-nfls-biggest-hole/ Thank you.
  4. And go where? So if it isn't a new idea, why hasn't it been tried and did Pegula move the team when Sabre fans demanded better?
  5. Not as hard as they should.. When Terry Pegula says its only one year for him, he misses the point completely. No, they are not paying attention yet and they need a kick in pants.
  6. If you have season tix for 2017, Cancel them. Don't go to the games, don't buy merchandise, nothing until meaningful change happens with the team. Stay in touch with them on TV and radio, but stop using your wallet to show the Bills that its ok for them to take advantage of your loyalty to the team.
  7. ?? Not sure I understand - I didn't ask you for any money.. I am saying that if we as Bills fans want change then we have to make the leadership of this franchise start to pay attention and stop taking their fans for granted all the time. Do you disagree?
  8. Remember when Terry Pegula finally fired Darcey Regier? He wouldn't do it until there was a bit of a revolt at the arena. Fans began chanting "Fire Regier!!" at a Sabres game. If we really want to see both Ryan and Whaley gone ( I do, for one), then for all of us who go to Bills games, either STOP going and stop spending any money on the Bills until such time as they do the right thing, or go to the game and do some serious screaming at the game about firing Whaley.. If the fans revolt, Pegula has shown he will listen. The time is well past that Bills fans stop putting up with the constant mediocrity we get from this team. We should vote on Ryan and Whaley with out feet and our wallets !!
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