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Greg de'Ville

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Everything posted by Greg de'Ville

  1. ...two items, actually. 1) free roll of Charmin 2) free bags, your choice: paper or plastic?
  2. Sad.
  3. ...Bills should be lucky they're only down 10. But the game's over already folks. They can't score more than 10 with this pathetic offense, so you may as well turn to Seattle and watch a good football team with a concept. The 2004 Buffalo Bills: THE DUMBEST (and most inept) TEAM IN FOOTBALL!
  5. ...3rd and long, and the Dog-Ass Jets get a 1st down, and Prioleau the bonehead gets socked with a UR call for 15 more tacked on. Then stupid Schobel jumps offsides. Forget about beating the Dog-Ass Jets. The Bills simply beat themselves and that's your basic ballgame. 53 wastes of human fecal material out there who can't make plays and instead make stupid mistakes.
  6. How's Perry Patterson doing? (Lancaster McCaskey HS alum)
  7. Big Blue's QB? The pride of Wilson HS, Chad Henne, from the good ol' Lancaster-Lebanon League! Had a big day today in win over Minny.
  8. ...beautiful. Two more Skankee wins and they do it all over again. For the pennant. As it should be. Only question is: Can the Sox break the Curse? (just once)
  9. ...anybody got the Mora audio floating around? That's priceless.
  10. ...it's a dreaded late afternoon game, folks, and you know what the end result usually is for the Bills.
  11. Gus will always be DA MAN to us on the board. He's a keeper.
  12. ...uh, you'd better re-check your arithmetic. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/baseball/...1_boxscore.html
  13. ...Dodger dogs can't keep the ball in the yard. You give the Cardinals four dingers and it'll be game-set-match in no-time flat. Those guys can flat-out hit.
  14. ...man, 1-15. That's Richie the K territory...yoi and double yoi!
  15. ...the 2004 Bills are THE DUMBEST TEAM IN THE NFL! Brain-dead boneheads. You can't make chicken salad outta chicken you-know-what given their seeming lack of intelligence. It's a broken record with this collection of losers. Don't matter who's coaching, the results (STUPID PENALTIES, ill-timed turnovers, blown assignments) are utterly inept and disgraceful. Game after game. Year after year. The way this season is going, there may be no official "highlight" film from the league because it's one steady collection of lowlights from this dead-to-the-neck-up group of tin men.
  16. ...same here, the first October loss in what may become a string of five (sarcasm).
  17. ...are you on drugs? This is THE DUMBEST FOOTBALL TEAM IN AMERICA! They could be 0-8 the way they're playing and coaching. No way they beat the Ravens in Baltimore. No freakin' way they beat the Dog-Ass Jets next week in the Swamplands. They'll be hard-pressed to beat Dieami and Arizona at home. This is a DEAD-TO-THE-NECK-UP football team. The Anti-Oz team, if you prefer: No Courage, No Brains, No Heart!
  18. ...without a doubt, this is THE DUMBEST TEAM IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATIONAL FRICKIN' FOOTBALL LEAGUE! From the president/gm to the coaching staff to the lunkheads who wear the uniforms.
  19. WRONG! No lovely parting gift for you!
  20. ...sadly, it's apparent Coy Wire is the "Stiff from Cedar Cliff (HS), Part Deux." For five points, name the original "Stiff from Cedar Cliff."
  21. Our hope's been ripped out of our hearts. Without hope, what is there? This is like the frickin' Bataan Death March, 60 years later. You start to believe the Bills will NEVER WIN ANOTHER GAME EVER! It gets old, Mike...and it wears us down. Wears us raw to the bone. There simply is no chemistry...no cohesion or consistency. They look lost...they ARE LOST. The results speak for themselves. Good teams own the fourth quarter. The Bills disappear after three and mail it in after that.
  22. ...you know why the Jints are 3-1? Because their guys get after people like piranha on a dead turtle. Their defense is popping the ball out and Tiki's been running well and finding daylight with his OLs doing a decent job.
  23. ...BRAIN-DEAD DREW BLEDSOE! Today sealed it. This moribund mess of a football team cannot win with this dead-from-the-neck-up yahoo quarterbacking anymore. This guy was a half-season wonder in 2002 but that's been it. That 4th-and-2 play down 24-17 was the final nail in BDDB's coffin as far as I'm concerned. A smart QB would have had the presence of mind to avoid Bruschi and make something happen. But no, he stands like his usual statuesque self, gets nailed, ball pops out, Seymour picks it up and just like that, game, set and match over. Congratulations guys, you've just helped the Patsies make Belichick a frickin' genius (once more) with his 18 straight wins. Knew we could count on you to roll over like dogs. J.P. Losman can't get healthy soon enough, folks--he's got to get some reps this season to build for next year because this season is OVER just three games in. But while Bledsoe is a loser, he's only part of the package of losers on this team. The offensive linemen cannot block a doorway, the RBs aren't smart enough to pick up a blitz, and the coaches aren't the brightest bulbs on the marquee with their dead zone playcalling. The defence, they try hard, but they too have the knack for giving up big yardage on third and long at the worst possible times. Once again, the Bills offense proved that when it comes nut-crunch time, they don't have the mental toughness to get the job done. 10 points a game from this sorry-ass offense just won't cut it in this league--they have shown through countless games in recent years and in three games this season that their ineptitude--indeed, their propensity to make mental midget mistakes at the most inopportune times (penalties on 3rd & 1, offsides on a NE FG try today) is just exasperating. I'm simply FED UP with this ragtag collection of tin men and Tom Donahoe, I'm pointing the finger at YOU for this fiasco of a football team. They may be lucky to win two games all season. We've gone from 4 straight SB appearances only a decade or so back to the days of Ferragamo and Dufek and Mathison. Bleak, folks. I'm beyond angry...just profound sadness because this team has robbed us diehard Bills fans of the one thing that's near and dear to our hearts: hope. Without hope, we mope. Man, if this team can't beat the Smellsters in two weeks at home, well...the quest for the ultimate prize, THE BIG DONUT, will be well underway.
  24. ...huh? Jimmy Swagger? J.P. Swagger?
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