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Greg de'Ville

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Everything posted by Greg de'Ville

  1. ...make it 9. Then, and only then, will I ask you the question.
  2. ...WE'RE SCREWED! Plain and simple.
  3. ...http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/2004-10-26-espn-kiper_x.htm
  4. I'll leave it be for now. Let's see what happens in Game 4.
  5. No, that's not it. The question will only be asked if Boston wins this Series.
  6. You've about nailed it, BF. The real Cardinals skipped town before the Series began. These Cards have been cardboard cutups. I thought if they could have come back from down 7-2 and won Game 1, they would have an early psychological edge, but the Sox, to their credit, won that game and have settled into a groove since. The two-out lightning by the Sox has been deadly. It will take some major karma by the Redbirds to turn this Series around.
  7. If Lowe is anywhere near the form he showed in Game 7 vs. the Yanks, the Sox have a great chance to -- dare I say -- get the brooms ready. That was by far the best I've ever seen Pedro pitch in the postseason. Once the Cards ran themselves out of runs early on, he got in a groove and was unhittable. It's there for the taking, but the Bosox have to grab a hold and not let go. For Teddy Ballgame, for Pesky, for Yaz, for Tony C, for Rico, for Lynn and Rice and El Tiante, for Dewey and Billy Bucks and many other former Sox too many to mention...JUST DO IT!
  8. I probably will. But if the Sox get it done, and break The Curse for good, I will still have to ask you the question. But only if the Sox win the Series.
  9. BF, you're jumping off the wagon? Waving the white flag? Oh, the humanity! O ye of little faith. Remember, The Curse still lives until the Sox win the World Series. As you reminded us in the NLCS, three does not equal four. Sox still have to go get it. Cards are too proud a team to be broomed especially in their own house. But wouldn't it be something if the Sox win EIGHT IN A ROW in the glare of postseason pressure to break The Curse? That would be some kind of feat, regardless of allegiances.
  10. ...timely hitting. Superb pitching, especially from Schilling and Pedro. Combine that with uncharacteristic Redbird baserunning blunders and it's 3-0. If ever there was a chance to break The Curse for good, tomorrow is that opportunity for Boston. Don't pull a Yankees and let the Cardinals back in it. Go for the jugular and get it done.
  11. ...oh yes, the Bills deserve to be bottom-feeders. Worst team in the whole frickin' league right now. Something TD and BDDB and the rest of 'em can be "proud" of. Only China is lower than where the Bills are right now.
  12. ...if Deanna is as tough as her husband is, she will pull through. Can't imagine the adversity the Favre family has had to endure in the last year or so. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2004/foot...e.ap/index.html
  13. ...Moorman should get serious consideration for the Pro Bowl this year. Rock steady.
  14. Ramius, my calculator malfunctioned! My bad. Just seems like .200 football. If they lose the next five they'll get there. And that's doable at this rate.
  15. First of all, I don't listen to GR, don't live in WNY for that matter. But despite how horrible the OL is, and how bad Henry has played (and imho deserves to be benched now in favor of McGahee), there is simply no confidence in what BDDB does anymore. He is not a playmaker but a playblower. He's got Fergy's Disease (one-look, lock-on primary receiver). But more than that, he just can't move. In today's NFL, a QB has to be able to roll out, move the pocket with him, and make things happen. He can't do that. Favre, McNabb, Brady, even young Big Ben--they've got the mobility, and more important, the CONFIDENCE to move the chains. There is an absolute sense of dread and foreboding every time the Bills move the ball inside the Dead Zone. Every time.
  16. ...nice. Hope MG has a lot of success over there. It was very tough sledding for him the last few years with the Bonnies. I shudder to think how bad they're going to be this year.
  17. You want this team to keep right on losing with this yahoo quarterbacking this team? Fine. Be my guest. The more they lose, the more fat-ass TUNA laughs his * off because he's gonna get a top-shelf pick in the draft. Wake up! This statue doesn't have it anymore. The numbers inside the Dead Zone reflect the sheer incompetence of this offense. And they don't lie, bub.
  18. ...the Bills are 5-15 since. .200. Right on the freakin' Mendoza Line. .333 is a great baseball BA but ever since Belichick & Brady & friends undressed the Bills, 38-7, in 2002, thet was the beginning of the end for the Bills with Bledsoe under center. 10-20 since. Great...just frickin' great.
  19. ...actually, I've got a better one: Mr. BILL (Oh, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!)
  21. Can't believe you didn't nail this one...Sad Sack.
  22. Progressive coach: Lloyd Carr (starts true freshmen in Henne & Hart) Regressive coach: JoePa (refuses to put Morelli in while Mills goes to hell in a hand basket, although the Nit OL is as bad as the Bills) Time for someone high-up at PSU to tap Joe on the shoulder and say, "That's it, time's up."
  23. ...yeah, just watch 400-year-old Emmitt humiliate the Bills--AGAIN. Like throwing more kerosene on the fire.
  24. ...the buck stops at Donahoe's desk. Period.
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