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  1. how bad would you feel if rice were coming back for this game? because that's how good you should feel that he's out
  2. No issues w what they said It's time
  3. they get them 3-4x/wk when the ratings come in
  4. Why? Last time we played the Chiefs we threw it 40 times and beat them by two scores
  5. Kincaid does come open but he's short of the sticks and it's third down Cooper is never open. His DB is shaded outside and the safety has eyes on Allen the whole time. It's the definition of bracketed If Allen gets to the L reads the hole shot to Coleman and the checkdown to Johnson are available
  6. the worst part personally is the TV shows don't know how to celebrate Jackson properly w/out glaring inconsistencies in their coverage of Allen it sucks tbh. i'm a big lamar guy and the NFL media is just hellbent on making sure it's one or the other when they both deserve their props
  7. do they load up confetti for the visitors? i honestly do not know
  8. complaining about the refs before the game even starts lol
  9. I would say when you see rando wrs wide open it's more frequently a function of a blown coverage as opposed to scheme...now that's not to say the scheme didn't facilitate the blown coverage but OCs aren't designing plays for guys to be completely uncovered w nobody around, just open enough to make the play but the guys who get NFL open w regularity are typically the wideouts who have the kind of elite physical/technical tools to do it
  10. no Cooper is bracketed up top, Coleman is coming open tho...Allen takes his go-to guy after seeing safety shaded to Cooper's side it's a big time throw. The trajectory and the placement are very very impressive...I think the tendency is to want to rifle it in there and take the safety out of the play but instead he layers the easy catch right into Shakir's chest
  11. We have exceeded my preseason expectations by exactly one game at this point I guess that's something to be very happy about but I don't think it's at all unreasonable to want more
  12. Kincaid has way too much talent to just trade away for me Assuming we keep Brady I expect the philosophy on offense next season to be more conducive to his skillset
  13. long story tbh...can reference a bunch of tape because ive been watching him a lot but the tldr version is (imo) he's a physical mismatch for the offense we are running. too slight of build
  14. He has been excellent this yr @Andrew Son can take a bow
  15. right i think it's of dubious value is the overall point no offense to OP...i mean it's interesting but less useful unless the standard is the correct decision as opposed to the popular one zero credit to @MJS for turning tail
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