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Everything posted by Hellcamino

  1. I think it was Hetfield Creeping Death will help us defeat the Ravens!
  2. Sagebrush is awesome! I live in Woodland Hills and we go there often. Although Casa Vega is our favorite. I figured Busbys was probably the same crowd as Bobby Mcgees. I'm sure I would see some familiar faces. The footage from there after the Dalton TD looked insane!
  3. Back in the 90's one of the best places in LA used to be in Burbank at a place called Bobby McGees. It was owned by a couple from Buffalo. Place was Rockin! of course the Bills were awesome at that time so that helped. They had a big dish and would pirate the main game feed. During commercial breaks you could sometimes hear the announcers talking to each other off air. Heard some pretty good stuff. Got to see OJ do a horrific rendition of the National Anthem while off air waiting to do a sideline report after the real Anthem. It was hilarious. I went there every Sunday for years before Sunday Ticket became available. I think that place is a BJ's now. I have never been to Busby's. I hear its great, but it's in Santa Monica. Thats an hour drive for me and games are at 10am here. Every year I say I'm gonna make it there for a game but having Sunday Ticket for 22 years makes it too easy to roll out of bed at 9:45am and Bam, game is starting.
  4. Don't forget that in the event of a 3 way tie, head to head is thrown out. Remember in '17 we lost to the Chargers but beat them in tiebreakers because there were 3 teams in the tie.
  5. they came close to that in the early 80's even one upped the ugly with blue facemasks.
  6. I'm gonna call him "Marma"
  7. I don't feel bad for him at all. He said it himself after the Draft, "At least I didn't wind up Cleveland or Buffalo"
  8. nope, Rams played in Anaheim when the Raiders were in LA
  9. I've been saying this for a while now. Last year was kinda flukey. just look at the QB's they faced. 1 Mahomes (1st real start) LA lost 2 Allen (rookie 1st start) 3 Goff (LA lost) 4 Beathard (WHO???) 5 Carr 6 Mayfield (rookie in 4TH? start) 7 Marriota (LA won by 2 pts) 8 Wilson (only quality win in my opinion) 9 Carr 10 Keenum (LA lost) 11 Rosen (rookie on horrible team) 12 Raper (amid the drama with Brown) LA won by 3 13 Driskel (WHO???) 14 Mahomes (LA won by 1 pt) 15 Jackson (rookie) LA lost 16 Keenum thats 8 games vs rookies(4) 1st year starter(2) unknown backups(2) and most of the rest filled with the likes of Carr and Keenum. couple that with - They face a much tougher schedule this season vs Luck, Stafford, Watson, Raper, Trubisky, Rodgers, Foles and of course Mahomes X2. - Gordon's holdout shenanigans could be very damaging as well - They have virtually no home field advantage. I live in LA and it's a joke that they are even here. and yes, I was at the Peterman game - Rivers is now 38 and a career choker in most any clutch situation. At his age, I'll bet that only gets worse. I'm feeling they will be 7-9
  10. Oh thats right, He came off the bench early in the game. Thats why he didn't study the game plan, cause he said he didn't think he was gonna play anyway. What a tool! He may not have started, but he was the worst I've seen in 46 years of watching the Bills. And I was at "The Peterman game" in person so that's saying something.
  11. How on Earth is Billy Joe Hobert not near the bottom? Did he start more games than the infamous "didn't know the plays" disaster?
  12. I know the rule. I merely stated that I don't like the rule. There is a difference between not understanding something, and not liking something.
  13. OK, whatever dude. I said his forward progress was stopped. I didn't say how it was announced. and unless you are stupid, You know exactly what I meant by being ruled down. There is no need to twist words and be a condescending jackass. All I posted was that I didn't like the way a rule is being enforced. I am allowed to not like something. If you don't agree, then YOU move on. btw Kelso was losing his mind over this as well. He's played in SB's. But I guess like me, He must be too dumb to understand the rules enough to be able to form an opinion on if one them is flawed. But thanks to a couple experts here, we all now know the truth. The rule is perfect, The Refs enforce it perfectly, It's the Bills and their coaching that sucks. And if you don't agree with that, you are an idiot. Thanks guys! You've convinced me.
  14. Still Christmas eve to me here in SoCal. Just been waiting to put out Santa gifts before going to bed. But please go on about this Curling you seem to be so fond of.
  15. Well then stop reading and posting in it if its so terrible. When normal people read something they think is terrible, they stop reading and move on. You have to be a special kind of strange to spend your Christmas morning posting in a thread on a message board that you think is terrible. Merry Christmas!
  16. Well technically they got the tuck rule call right by the rule on the books at the time. I suppose you agreed with that as well. Thanks for stopping by Mr. Goodell
  17. I did. You copied it right there in your post. I challenge you to sit on sombodys leg. Put both hands up around your chest. Pick up both feet off the ground and put your knees up higher than your butt. Now move forward. Unless you are a student at Hogwarts, it aint happening.
  18. Thats probably true. Matter of fact that exact thing happened vs the Ravens a few years back in an important game for the Bills in overtime. Runner was picked up off the ground completely by several Ravens. Held him up off his feet completely stopped while other Ravens came over and ripped the ball free. Thats the issue though. People did complain that it was not blown dead when it should have been and allowed them to do something after the play should have been stopped. That is exactly what happened on the Edelman play. Forward progress completely stopped. No whistle. If you can’t understand this I don’t know what to tell you.
  19. It kinda is arguable. Was Foster down on the ground? Nope. But since his forward progress was stopped, he was ruled down. Nobody yet has explained how Edelman sitting on his ass with his feet up in the air Should not be considered forward progress stopped. There is no way on earth for him to be moving forward with only his butt sitting on a leg. Maybe he had some bad mexican food for lunch and had extreme gas that was propelling him? Defending the Refs and their against all laws of physics interpretation of what forward motion means is the only bogus thing here.
  20. When said still frame shows zero earthly way a man can be moving himself forward?
  21. So by these standards, any foreign object on the ground that keeps a player from touching, like somebodys leg, means they are not down? What if a player loses his towel and edelman lands on that instead. He still hasn’t touched the turf. He can get up and start running again? Sorry, not buying that this rule perfectly fine.
  22. His forward progress certainly wasn’t stopped? Ha! Explain to me just how he was moving forward? Hands and feet off the ground and sitting on his butt on a players leg. Defies laws of phyisics.
  23. Ha, The Refs and I disagree on a lot of stuff! Like Hughes getting tackled from behind again today on more than one occasion with no call, but I guess if the Refs say that's not holding, it must not be.
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