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  1. 7) 1998: Flutie in his first game as a Bill comes in for injured Rob Johnson (also first game as a Bill) in the second half down 16-0 in San Diego. Flutie Throws 2 TDs to Reed and then drives us down to a 39yd FG to win it on the last play. Christie shanks it. Bills lose 16-14. adding insult to injury, it was Ryan Leafs first NFL game and damn near his only win.
  2. So true! as proof, This is the only play I can remember from his entire time here!
  3. When I was a kid in the 70's, my Dad told me about this play from the 1954 Cotton Bowl
  4. Dolphins are mammals. We know this to be the truth. Don't care, Squish the fish.
  5. I think I'm gonna wear it to the Rams game next week!
  6. A close friend works for Motley Crue. The Bills made custom jerseys for all the band members for their concert at the stadium last week. Vince Neil was the only one to wear his during the encore. the other guys didn't care to take theirs. I was given my choice of theirs and chose Nikki Sixx
  7. I feel the complete opposite. Its a violation that happened after the play and didn't affect its outcome. It should not penalize the team. Its a personal foul that deserves personal punishment. Besides, fining them lots of $$$ is likely a more effective way to make them think before they act anyway. Just my opinion of course.
  8. I was at this game. it made the cover of S.I. that week!
  9. Couple less mentioned but memorable openers, one good and one bad. '96 opener vs Giants on SNF. Down 17-0, Kelly rallys team to force OT and then win it 23-20! I was at the bad one. '98 opener in SD. the first Johnson/Flutie game. Johnson sucked and then got hurt in 3rd qtr. Bills were down 10-0. Flutie comes in and hits Reed for 2 TDS to make it 16-14 SD. Then he takes final drive deep and sets up chip shot FG for the win. Christie shanks it
  10. well if Steeler, Pats and Chiefs fans hadn't seen their teams play in a Championship game in 27 years I'll bet they would be happy to make it there.
  11. Like this????
  12. There is also the fact that in each of the last 2 seasons, the road teams won 3 out of the 4 wildcard games. Last year we were the only road team to lose on Wildcard weekend. 3 seasons ago it was 2-2. In 2015, road teams were 4-0 WC weekend.
  13. Again wrong. that was the 99 season, not 98
  14. not true. that was 1998. we made the playoffs and wound up having to play on the road in the WC game vs Miami. If that Pats game isn"t stolen from us we get to play at home. that was the magic Flutie year and anything could have happened.
  15. Duke would probably beat the Jets by 13pts. Alabama would beat them by 40+ 😜
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