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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. What I know is the roster is much improved over last season. The change vs. 5-6 years ago is really marked. But, it takes more than a deep talented roster. How will the players gel with each other? Will the coaches play to the strengths of the roster or will they do what they've always done? Until I see what Schwartz does with the talent he's been given all I have a names on a roster. The names are better known than in past seasons, but, how many off seasons have we said..."this is the year we stop the run" only to go through another year of getting gouged? Go back and check...those threads are there from 2013, 2012 & 2011 etc. Missouri=show me
  2. Once I see production on the field? Sure. Till then...it's just names on a roster. Perhaps I should change my user name to Missouri.
  3. http://www.wesh.com/news/photos-bear-lies-down-in-hammock-in-daytona-beach/26247854#!SQ8zX
  4. We must protect the children.
  5. Oh the humanity!!! Wawrow calls 2013 offense "popgun." I wonder if popguns worldwide are insulted by this. http://pro32.ap.org/article/bills-eager-improve-popgun-offense
  6. He (IMO) really struggled in coverage last year. He knew where he was supposed to be, but, his body couldn't get him there quickly enough. He needs to find a place that employs the defense he is best at to have any shot whatsoever. If Cleveland or NYJ aren't calling I'm not sure anyone will.
  7. Wow, I'm negative Nancy I guess. Top LB unit that has never taken snaps together? I guess I shouldn't be surprised since we've already graded the 2014 draft.
  8. In the name of all that is holy and good I only have one question, "WTF took you so !@#$ing long?" http://www.wgr550.com/pages/9034669.php?pid=405332
  9. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  10. 4 pages...Damn, I love the off season!
  11. Exactly. Douchbagery at its finest by the opposing coach. Based on this I'd say also douchbagery on the part of the sponsoring organization. Looks like they left themselves some wiggle room but decided not to use it.
  12. Please check your PMs.
  13. I think it falls within guidelines but Jack will be along soon to correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. That was Gailey. Marrone would never mess with his o-line like that.
  15. Mr. G...Gugny? JellyBean...JBoyst? Twue wove??? http://www.huffingto..._n_5391433.html
  16. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/05/27/pictures-of-kate-middleton-s-bare-butt-published-in-german-newspaper.html
  17. They ran out of words so they decide it's a tie!?!?!?!? There are no ties in spelling bee!!! Somebody buy those idiots a dictionary so that they never run out of words again, http://centralny.twcnews.com/content/news/742510/corning-student-named-co-champion-of-spelling-bee/
  18. Sorry, but I call BS to the premise of this thread (no offense OP). Put the best 11 on the field and let them play. If Robey is part of that...great, if not let him show his stuff on ST. His physical limitations can't be ignored. He's overcome them to this point, but, I for one am for increased competition for every spot on the roster.
  19. You realize that with the poo pooing you do in every thread you are your generation's EII? Is that really what you want?
  20. Seeing her shopping for flowers makes me wonder what happens when she's looking for melons.
  21. So, when did you move to Nott street you lil mynx?
  22. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/putting-a-new-face-on-the-ralph-20140529?two-bills-drive
  23. A piece of a larger project who's aim was working people to death. Maybe I shouldn't assume, but I doubt that the teen here is malnourished and worked around the clock.
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