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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. Allow me to assist.
  2. Ax anyone.
  3. I'm not a cool kid & I get it. Back to the drawing board please.
  4. You know, my immediate reaction to the OP was "no friggin way" but...for the Buffalo Bills to win a SB they must exist as the Buffalo Bills. Y'all are correct.
  5. I believe, and Yolo will correct me if I'm wrong...what he meant was that Pegula has not mentioned the Bills publicly since Ralph's passing.
  6. http://www.wlky.com/news/man-faces-new-accusations-of-having-sex-with-pool-float/26442204#!XRDxj
  7. He'd need some help if Forbes has his net worth correct.
  8. What do I care about Watkins getting hurt (that's what this is about)? I want to (finally) have some continuity and success within this organization. I've already answered the "analysis" question above. It would be a huge mistake for Watkins to ever return a punt or kick in an NFL game. Not logical? I've already answered that above too. I'm not in the slightest bit emotional about this. My blood pressure is hovering within its normal range, but, I am 100% certain that I'm correct. (believe it or don't) Since I've said the same thing multiple times in this thread & I don't want to be accused of being on a crusade I will now bow out of the conversation.
  9. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/culture-lifestyle/140611/watch-1000-daringly-stupid-people-eat-1000-ghost-peppers-Copenhagen
  10. Biscuit comes in no better than #2. Bo knows. http://highschoolsports.al.com/news/article/138615125018697415/whos-the-best-all-time-footbal-player-from-birmingham-cast-your-vote-in-our-poll/
  11. I'm pretty sure I've got it right. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1AVNC_enUS570US570&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=trident&tbm=shop You're thinking of 3rdand12.
  12. Nope. He's a receiver, he should receive. Coaches cannot be questioned if he gets hurt as a WR.
  13. Maybe he's buying a wedding present for his future wife Ms. Seles.
  14. Did Eric Moulds cost the team 3 draft picks including 2 first round picks at least one of which was in the top 10? Didn't think so. I don't care if the chances are 1:1,000,000. It isn't worth the risk of putting Watkins on return teams. (& my guess is that we'll never see him return a kick/punt during a game)
  15. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  16. I'm not sure that there is anything logical about it. I feel that using Watkins on kick or punt returns would be (potentially) a big mistake. It would smack of desperation to me and shortsightedness. It's simply what I think.
  17. If Watkins will never be used to return a kick or punt why are the coaches wasting valuable time having him practice at it? I'm not concerned with statistics. As I said earlier, when looked at from a risk/reward perspective to me the risk outweighs the possible reward.
  18. Of the 32 teams how many are going into a season with a starter who missed 6 games in his rookie season due to injury? The backup plan leaves something to be desired. Fingers are crossed. why would that be a worry for a Bills fan? I don't think he failed miserably. He showed flashes, but, missing 6 games is the (negative) key for my concern. So, we'll put you down in the "Thaddeus Lewis was the best backup option available" camp.
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