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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. So, the team can't play in OP if Pegula buys them? No wonder he's been criticizing the renovations going on at The Ralph.
  2. I'm all for a dome. Pic or it didn't happen.
  3. I get what mrags is saying, but Jerrah's World is not the place to emulate. It is a sterile environment and so cavernous that sound is swallowed up.
  4. What in the world is the point you're trying go make?
  5. You have an extremely narrow view of the world, or so it appears by reading what you write.
  6. I want some of what you're smoking!
  7. My work here is done.
  8. http://gawker.com/man-mistakenly-freed-by-jury-gets-stabbed-to-death-thre-1590074120
  9. Light rusty brown for me. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2656082/What-colour-YOU-Dizzying-optical-illusion-creates-different-shade-viewer-no-one-knows-why.html
  10. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2655785/Man-tied-rope-runs-cliff-face-BUCKET-head-narrowly-avoids-smashing-ground.html
  11. I'm well over 30. As much as people love to trot out the PC moniker this is about doing the right thing. Maybe I'm showing my age by saying that, but it is the way I was raised. You'll couch this in your PC political speak and talk about the "N" word and believe that if someone uses it everyone should use it. Quit getting lost in the muck. It is the right thing to do or it is not. (&, I know that this is hard for you to understand...not all blacks who use the "N" word live in ghettos...)
  12. Saddles? Everyone knows that the term saddle is out of date. Saddles went out with the wild west. Everyone knows that they now use portable girthed seating devices.
  13. PTR offered an opinion on whether to roof or not. I've read your reply multiple times and I can't make heads or tails of it. Of course he knows what he's saying, he gave you his opinion.
  14. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/oddnews/bachelor-party-makes-impressive-fossil-discovery-in-elephant-butte-205553740.html
  15. Rather than letting your blood boil next time report the post.
  16. Or perhaps the owner finally decides to do the right thing. Save your PC crap for someone else.
  17. You could probably find testimonials for Al Jolson from the 50's too. Doesn't make it right in 2014.
  18. Do NOT take the brown acid.
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