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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. Please tone down the rhetoric. Thanks.
  2. Honest question...would any money generated go to the team, the county or both?
  3. obviously I don't want anyone to get hurt, obviously
  4. guy better get his dog back http://www.opposingv...ds-are-attached
  5. http://www.cleveland.com/berea/index.ssf/2014/06/suspect_showers_shaves_before.html
  6. http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/stories/tacky-lawn-ornaments-reborn-as-lemurs-best-friends
  7. http://metro.co.uk/2014/06/17/ouch-man-slaps-an-opossum-gets-a-handful-of-400-porcupine-quills-4765333/
  8. A good, quick read.
  9. Jesus folks. I can't remember a harmless thread that jumped off the rails like this one. 13 replies deleted in a thread supposedly about the Ravens. How about staying on topic? For those who don't know or have forgotten politics on PPP only.
  10. I am Bando Santos, prepare to die. Funny, when you type in Gugny it returns Pussé
  11. So we've noticed! Just so you're aware, I'm laughing with you, not at you. I am also against them and will do whatever necessary to keep them away from my strawberry rhubarb pie.
  12. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/12/artificial-vagina_n_5488458.html
  13. http://www.theindychannel.com/news/local-news/judge-rules-no-cold-beer-sales-in-grocery-convenience-stores A 34 page order?
  14. Careful, I received much ridicule for tossing a # very close to that out on the board a few months back.
  15. That's exactly what I thought! All in favor say aye.
  16. Crap, Marrone must really be ticked off at the team.
  17. Thank God, I thought that this was another thread mocking me.
  18. RIP to the greatest hitter I've ever seen.
  19. Today? Zero, zip, zilch. That's why it's EJ or bust. He's the man. That's why I said that they stood pat.
  20. Johnny I have fallen victim to a faulty sarcasm sensor today. The interwebs are hard to understand.
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