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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. http://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/index.ssf/2014/06/kalamazoos_unusual_visitor_--.html
  2. Pegula $1,447,990,000.00
  3. $1,230,000,000 Trump/Kelly
  4. Love the way that they incorporated the logo on the face (crown?) of the ring.
  5. I try to not preach, but, I admit that I've been pretty preachy in this thread. Here's how I feel about the subject: I do believe that people are truly offended by the word (people that matter in this argument, Native Americans, First Peoples). The right thing for Snyder to do is change the name. This IMO has nothing to do with the patent office, it has nothing to do with politics, it has nothing to do with PC. I believe that people are bringing those elements into the argument as a crutch. I believe that a "right minded" individual when looking at this can come to only one conclusion, change the name. This is the 4th or 5th thread on this topic in the last year. I find it ironic that those arguing that the patent office has no say in the matter are the same people who argued that Washington should keep their team name in each of those previous threads. The same people are arguing the same side of the argument using different excuses based on the thread title. Funny how that works.
  6. That wasn't you're best idea.
  7. http://americanlivewire.com/2014-06-20-study-great-white-shark-numbers-are-surging/
  8. http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/culturebox/2014/06/led_zeppelin_how_jimmy_page_robert_plant_et_al_invented_modern_rock.html?google_editors_picks=true
  9. I hope that Jamaica knows what it is in for.
  10. http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2014/06/new_jersey_best_place_for_brain-dead_patients_expert_says.html
  11. Apparently Spikes was one of the few on Aaron Hernandez jailhouse phone list. No word on whether they have had any contact since Hernandez' arrest. http://www.necn.com/06/20/14/Former-Patriots-LB-Spikes-was-on-Hernand/landing.html?blockID=868237&feedID=4753
  12. They didn't do the right thing, did they? How many lives are at stake here? Keep tossing the mud. Then, sit back and consider that those leaders who were doing nothing right were allowed to act in part because of people not wanting to push their morality on someone else. (does that phrase sound familiar?) What were the prior 3-4 threads with the same people responding about? Should I pull some quotes from those? Please don't try to tell me that this is about trademarks.
  13. IAhhh, live and let live. Don't ask, don't tell.
  14. Coffee beans shat out by monkeys? Certified organic banana?
  15. What does whether or not you are offended by a practice that the courts have deemed legal have to do with the word redskin? Let me answer that one for you...absolutely nothing. This is one of the more meaningless 2 sentences I've ever seen written. Snyder is not the offended party. He is, as the current owner, the offender. To use one of your early arguments on this topic...Does this mean that it's OK for a cotton farmer in Texas can call his farmhands !@#$s? After all, he owns the farm.
  16. Same sex marriage has been deemed legal in XX states to this point. It doesn't "matter" whether someone finds it offensive unless they can get a court to reverse itself. This specific argument revolves around the use of a word (not a practice/act/law etc.) that is offensive to a segment of the population. As I said in the very first thread on this subject...I have no "right" to comment on whether the word is offensive or not. The word is not now and never has been hurled at my ancestors or myself. All I can do is ask myself two questions: Do I truly believe that a segment of the population finds the word offensive? What is the right thing for Dan Snyder to do? People obfuscating the topic by bringing in terms like PC, comparisons to Fighting Irish etc. etc. etc. are in my mind afraid to answer those two questions honestly. Instead they would rather muddy the waters, shout from the rooftops, demean, condescend & hide behind meaningless arguments etc. rather than answer two simple questions. No one on this site bemoans the "pussification" of our country more than I; this is not that. This is doing the right thing vs. doing the wrong thing. I know that is an outdated concept, but, it is one that I stand behind.
  17. that's what I figured.
  18. http://wrvo.org/post/su-group-offers-backup-plans-if-carrier-dome-becomes-inoperable
  19. To who for what?
  20. You made the point, not me. I simply gave you a reason. Is that what I said?
  21. I hope so too 3.
  22. Great, another "the boys gym class swam naked at HS" thread.
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