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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. You haven't in the first place! (unless I edited a post of yours)
  2. I wonder how objective you are? You'd certainly be excluded from her jury. We tend to laugh at all of the female teacher sex threads, but, they can be harmful to a child's development. We never laugh about male on female child sex.
  3. Please, if you want to talk about your warnings feel free. Leave the name of the mod(s) out though.
  4. I think maybe this one hits a bit too close to home.
  5. A PM isn't a warning you maroon. I've given you plenty, but also held plenty back. Click on your warning points to see all of your official transgressions.
  6. Wow, is that how you also react to all of the teacher wouldayas?
  7. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/power-rankings-rating-the-likability-of-every-nfl-franchise-062414
  8. Some of y'all are liars!
  9. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/06/25/u-s-marine-asked-his-bootcamp-buddy-to-watch-his-house-while-he-was-stationed-overseas-he-never-couldve-predicted-hed-return-to-find-this/
  10. 4 solid backs, 2 are holdovers, one a FA signing and the 4th acquired via trade. We had the most carries last season & it will be more of the same this coming season. Additions to the o-line, additions to the backfield...gonna be some ground pounders.
  11. Perhaps that's a recent development?
  12. Garrison Sanborn Who you got?
  13. In memory of Eli Wallach: The Good, The Boyst & The Gugny
  14. more better proof
  15. http://www.movoto.com/ma/new-england-facts/
  16. stupid is as stupid does Forrest
  17. CG goes to Jamaica and it suddenly appears on Worlds Best Places list. Coincidence? I think not.
  18. Little known fact Jackie...in medieval times the word cheer meant face so "Cheers to you" really means in your face.
  19. Well, those ads are different for everyone and are based on your own specific likes...
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