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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. make mr. ags' life tranquil by always brushing between
  2. who suddenly dropped in to remind everyone that this thread is about mr. ags and his amazing technicolored
  3. I refuse to hit that link.
  4. Has anyone yet mentioned that mead love's him some jboyst meat?
  5. I'm not a fan of the Payday bar either.
  6. he , then he , then he pulled himself up by his bootstraps (WTF does that even mean?) and proclaimed to the world "I'm mad as hell and... (you are the only class in an otherwise classless thread)
  7. (Jesus Christ people, I open this thread for the first time and see that I'm being lamb basted, skewered & grilled all without my nowldege. In case you are wondering...all y'all suck!)
  8. I'd say that teams became more aware of him and used his weaknesses against him. He's (unfortunately) got a full year to get himself mentally ready for the outside position. Study film, go to meetings...come back and kick ass.
  9. I have no axes. I don't know you. If I had an ax you'd be axed. Why not start a thread about the current WR's and how excited you are about them? I didn't read through 3 pages, but, have you responded in this way to everyone who may express surprise that this thread was started? If not, I'd look in the mirror if I were you. My guess is the ax is on your shoulder.
  10. http://www.wallstreetotc.com/reason-behind-higher-intelligence-chimpanzees-revealed/25737/
  11. I enjoyed the fact that he wanted to be here. I didn't enjoy his on field antics that cost the team yards. I didn't enjoy his worst possible time drops. I don't know why someone would start a thread like this.
  12. This thread is proof positive that 2-3 people can argue the same points ad infinitum.
  13. Assuming that wiki is correct... I wonder though, as a rookie, was his early success due to preparation or football instincts? PS...I don't want to incur the wrath of #thelegendofkiko, but, his play really suffered in the second half of the season. I do think he's better suited for the outside though.
  14. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breakingnews/os-disney-tourist-fingertips-severed-20140711,0,6239546.story
  15. Would you wear this in public?
  16. Those aren't penii, those are alien spacecraft.
  17. Put it away. Nobody, but nobody cried for calls like Jordan & nobody got away with more. You don't like him, don't invent excuses why. Shall we talk about Dirk's road lizard of a few years ago?
  18. http://www.crushplate.com/2014/07/illegal-business-whoops-towing-tows.html
  19. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/10/maam-there-is-a-lemur-on-your-baby_n_5574234.html
  20. You haven't been broken until you've been jboyst broken.
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