Anyone here can post their opinion. Where it crosses "my" line is when an entire section of the fan base is told that they are pathetic which happened up thread. What crosses my line is name calling directed at a specific person because their opinion differs from someone else's. I don't care what side you fall on, if you cross the line I will remove the post and send a PM or warn if I feel that's necessary. I know people don't believe me, but, I would guess that my deletions are fairly close to 50/50 (on most any issue). I try very hard to remain objective even though I've got skins in this game too. Name calling, belittling etc. don't cut it.
Say your piece and be respectful and we'll have no issues.
And...I'll say it until I'm blue in the face...use the report function to bring something that you feel is out of line to our attention. Responding in kind gets you nothing, pissing contests over the interwebs are about the most stupidest thing you can get involved in.
We cannot and do not read every post in every's simply impossible especially at this time of the year.
It's only his opinion.