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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. You restated exactly what I said. Why did you feel the need to to that?
  2. Wanting to know why is normal, we're inquisitive creatures. Demanding that we have the right to know is something else altogether. (not intimating that you did that)
  3. At least one game I hope they roll out all 9 for the coin toss.
  4. Yeah he did.
  5. Can anyone hear the announcers? Band and crowd noise are amped up way too high.
  6. We weren’t in Suarez, I didn’t have to use my passport.
  7. IIRC since he’s been here Beane has made cuts early and some of those cut do end up on the PS.
  8. Thanks, I was hoping somebody would point that out.
  9. Yes, he had his vee jay jay tightened up.
  10. You don’t know us very well, do you? Tuhrod sucks. He jogged, then was carted.
  11. Sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine the pain. I can’t help you with your Buffalo area questions but you’ll get some great info soon.
  12. Why? For the reason I stated; if he has his eye on a specific player and doesn’t want to get messed up w FA nonsense and the potential for that player to go to another team, you circumvent that by tossing away a draft pick.
  13. Won’t be surprised to see Beane throw a draft pick some team’s way if he has his eye on a particular player.
  14. He sucked, give it up.
  15. Don’t wish ill on him but very happy he is elsewhere.
  16. I can’t answer your question, but the atheists win.
  17. Yes, yes it is.
  18. So, you’re calling Beane a liar because of “some reports.?” Only thing I got is that they trusted their guy and the story they gave him. Poor judgement on their part? Oh, yes & Beane admitted as much.
  19. Sad? What makes you sad here is that a punter got cut? If this is truly a sad situation then Araiza will be on another roster before the sun sets tomorrow.
  20. They’ll pull it together IMO. Lots of strong minds on that team.
  21. Your “facts” don’t enter into the wrongness of your post. How you use those “facts” most certainly do.
  22. Burden of proof matters not one iota in the Bills cutting him. if he is fully exonerated down the road and a “preponderance of the evidence” indicates that he did nothing worse than have sex w a 17 year old then I will offer him my most sincere apologies.
  23. Soon enough is in the past.
  24. Wow, where to begin? There’s so much wrong wrapped up here that I honestly don’t know where to start.
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