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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. You must be much younger than I am @Doc 😂
  2. I’d take it. You?
  3. You say that not knowing what other talents he has or how he plans to spend the rest of his life. There are other things besides bashing your head against 300 pounders ya know. Hope you were being sarcastic. I paved the way for Ali!
  4. When he first arrived on these shores I thought that @Gugnywould have a promising posting career.
  5. Said that Von Miller would never hold up in the NFL and would be a bust.
  6. Cost to feed is minimal. Get one and see how it goes. If you have a dog they'll be pals. If you have a cat they'll be pals. We had a goat named Louis. We'd go on walks and he'd join us along with said dog, cats and ponies. They are good climbers so make sure there's no way it could get out of your fenced area. If you have a garden watch out, you'll have to goatproof it. Flower beds? Same thing. https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/purina-goat-chow-goat-feed-50-lb-2801012?store=105&cid=Shopping-Google-Organic_Feed-Product-2801012&cid=Shopping-Google-LOB-Local_Feed&utm_medium=Google&utm_source=Shopping&utm_campaign=LOB&utm_content=Local_Feed&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiduSooCe9gIVpCGtBh0VFQ3rEAQYAiABEgJFjfD_BwE
  7. Can I have that 15 seconds back?
  8. I'm extremely "meh" on Knox. Some spectacular catches, some head shaking drops, but most importantly, some games where you don't know he's on the field.
  9. Quoted for truth. Someone with his size and speed should be a disruptive force. Sit back for a moment and picture all of the times Edmunds has met a RB, head on, in the hole at or behind the LOS. While I don't see every game, one comes to mind.
  10. Hank has a strong case here, he was definitely defamed. I wonder if @BringBackFergy would be willing to take his case? https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2022/02/24/hank-the-tank-big-bear-not-responsible-for-tahoe-break-ins/
  11. Born late 50's. The merger was a big deal. Too many to mention. Good friends, family, food all at times revolve around the Bills. Roland Hooks, Joe Cribbs, Jim Braxton. Hyde. I'm round and I like beer.
  12. Wrong.
  13. Love that farmer's tan he has working.
  14. https://external-preview.redd.it/hbti6xCknKyuEFmmlXU0suT3JJe7WhakqovrLMTg8Xc.gif?format=mp4&s=98486c82e8bbf970625b2bdfc4a46ec81524d6b9
  15. You aren't "owed" jack diddly squat *****.
  16. Talking about the LB that was responsible for him on the short cross.
  17. I'll defer to the former players I've heard discussing it.
  18. OK, a LB on the most productive WR in the NFL is a good plan.
  19. How did it work out for them? If a LB on Cupp is the best you can do then nati deserved to lose.
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