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Everything posted by Beerball

  1. Dorsey should have been replaced at the end of the season.
  2. It’s in me belly!
  3. Phins blow manatees Tua fooa the poser Yes Bills win Bills rout
  4. RIP 🏴‍☠️ the world will be less interesting without you in it.
  5. Have you picked up on any coaching ‘tells?’ Does McD clapping 37 times mean something different than say 20?
  6. twas, I'm very childish
  7. @Jimmy Spagnola is trapped in his momma's basement poor guy. The poorly done ones belong to @Gugny or so I'm told.
  8. There were several times when I thought he could pick up decent yardage by taking off. Shows maturity, doesn't it? Baby Joshy would have taken off running irregardless of the circumstances. Mature Josh has a better feel for when it's needed and when he should chuck the ball.
  9. blah blah blah Cozumel blah blah blah
  10. Do we know whether Wilson will be bored on Sunday?
  11. Nice humble brag.
  12. So, what you’re saying is that the Bills are the best team in the NFL? I’ll take that, but I refuse to mention the”I” word. A bored/disinterested effort v GB still yielded a win. We won’t have to worry about disinterest vs. better teams.
  13. Say what you mean, mean what you say. Simple really. You're outraged You appear to be outraged by the outrage. Guy did a stupid thing, move along now.
  14. No, it's two guys at their place of work. In your mind one needs to be aware of his surroundings the other does not. Really simple.
  15. It is quite simple and 100% avoidable. Adams blew it and he'll pay a price. As others have said, you've chosen an odd hill to die on, but you be you.
  16. As god is my witness, I believe he was trying to go from one place to another.
  17. It was both of their workplaces, no?
  18. Is that how you reflexively react as well when someone walks in front of you? Cause everyone I know either stops, or if they bump they reach out to steady the other person. Maybe I grew up in a pansy household?
  19. I’m sure this is discussed elsewhere, but too many pages to look through. On the play where Pickett was sacked & hit w a 15 yard post play penalty Epenesa was also hit w a post possession 15 yarder. Why didn’t the Bills get the ball at the spot of the sack? Instead they were backed up. Seems like one penalty was ignored and one assessed. Why?
  20. So does the Bills defense. In these circumstances a starting caliber CB too (take your pick). The MLB? Not so much missed.
  21. That’s easy. I was there.
  22. Not sure if TV showed anything, but Epenesa was heated about an earlier play. Didn’t catch anything in person but it was obvious he was pissed at one/more stillers & very animated with one official. A few plays later he was tossed. Anyone have insight?
  23. Man we were watching different games today. The rookie almost exclusively was looking outside.
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