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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Even if you think she's ugly, you're joking right?
  2. Well then, like I said my bad Carry on! You're right that I did misinterpret something you said and was quick to go stupid. (usually happens with me) However since we live so close, I take it back. But if you lived downstate....
  3. Really? Carpet bagger maybe? Ah nevermind. I don't want to talk politics on this board. Politics or the Leafs.
  4. Oh my. You're right. She is a United States Senator. A junior no less. From New York State. My bad. What about Chuckles? When he makes waves about doing this or that for the Bills is that also meaningless? Judging by your dribs and drabs remark I am led to believe you are located somewhere down state. And if that is correct, get out. We don't need any more of your help. Really. We need to create a 49th lower so that we are free from you. We'll still visit and all though
  5. Probably silica related. Just needs time.
  6. As much as I can't stand either/any one of these skanks, her presence does mean something as long as she is a NYS Senator. Maybe she is going to check out the bathrooms. Don't worry Ralph, the check is being cut as we speak. So I have to agree with CJPearl2
  7. I voted. I wonder what kind of schmuck set this poll up though? Says you can come back and vote every day. This person must be a local or certainly some delusional citizen of our state We can't lose with the voting being ok to rig!
  8. Copyright? All rights reserved? Was this in a book? Seeing him and the reaction he got was goosebump moment.
  9. Wouldn't we be at least that against the Vikes if we were that bad? They know what they are doing. Going after Brady Quinn
  10. I would. Only if it's the strip club though. I wouldn't want to stay at that other place.
  11. How did your whole weekend trip turn out? Any problems with Canada?
  12. Don't these two points kind of contradict each other? Just sayin.
  13. Wow. Yes this only happens here. Side note: what are you doing having a beer at 10 am? Camping?
  14. Nate did make a big play. During the intro when he was showboating coming out of the inflatable helmet. The camera had to stop and watch him do his thing. That was it.
  15. Isn't it funny how once you move away you are less and less a leaf fan?
  16. Never, ever, EVER be sorry. Unless your Canadian and in which case you owe everybody an apology.
  17. Hmmphh. I thought Boomer was a pile of dung for the most part of his nfl playing time. I could be mistaken though. However I will admit to thinking he's gotten better as a tv guy over the years. I feel as if I've said these exact words before though. And not too long ago. Screw it. I've got a real opinion about Boomer. He's a fag. He will only make it with pretty boys. Therefore, he is out of our league because we are fooball people!! Not fag people! If you want that kind of sh--, get it in Cinci. Not around here bro. We'll phuck you up!
  18. Ok. I guess I owe them an apology. I got them today. Complete with the parking pass pad and $110 worth of Sabre Bucks. This is sooner than they told me to expect them so I am happy. Thank you!
  19. Still no ticks. And I want my sabres bucks too. Cripes there's a few dinners and drinks with those.
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