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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. On behalf of the people that love it here, may I just say that you are one of the very, very few people who we are actually glad that left.
  2. Watched a bit of some other games also and of note to Sabre fans, Daniel Alfredson was not playing the point on power plays.
  3. She would be bathing me in Rose petals. Or is that the Martha? Right. Oprah would be bathing me in chocolate. And money.
  4. As usual, there's something wrong with some of you guys. I'd tap it!
  5. His money, his ticket. You have no right to be laying sh-- down on someone for this. How and why they buy tickets is not your concern. Some say Tomato Some say Tomato
  6. OK, Van Miller club here. I go to watch the game. I do not conduct business at the game. I do enjoy getting lit at the games. I don't enjoy seeing any fights. A case of beer with friends is not the same as a case of beer with friends at the game, and then Savannah's after the game. Or the joint across the street. There is nothing wrong with me spending my money and enjoying the game this way unless I become a problem to others. But I do enjoy my time at the games immensly.
  7. The dude was big enough to carry it off but he said he played for the Bills. I was thinking he was full of it but I wouldn't pretend to say I can name or remember every Bills player. He was getting action using this line and he had a sidekick. I just couldn't call the guy on it because there was a chance he was legit.
  8. We met a couple from Minn who won tickets on a radio station. They were cool. We partied after the game and took a cab downtown with them grabbed some Jim's Steakout and partied downtown since they were staying at the Hampton. Nice people, even offered us to stay at their house if we go to Minn for a Sabres game. Ran into some guy after the game who said he used to play for the Bills and his name was Brian Blitz. I'm not sure how his name is spelled but have you ever heard of him? I haven't and I think he was fooling a lot of people.
  9. I can see Ralph pulling up to Penny's in the Taurus and mumbling how expensive this stuff is down at the stadium.
  10. It would be nice if Joe hung hung around this week to see us honor Andre. Thanks again Joe! Stay well.
  11. Yes because all of history's great leaders have debated on message boards. Lighten up. Espescially if you have read any of the garbage this guy has put forth prior. But then you must agree with it. And if message boards are so full of people out of touch wuth reality and homers and jokers why are you here?
  12. Would it have been so hard for you to get with the program and say like drinking warm spoiled milk?
  13. Were you drinking warm spoiled milk? Me too! Why are you here?
  14. I hope you are a nothing more than a troll.
  15. First of all, I dunno if you're retarted or retarded? But it wasn't long ago I got a good laugh when so many of us we're saying WEEK 1 was a must win game. That's what makes all of us a special breed! Or a retarded lot
  16. Drinking warm spoiled milk is better than what you're on. I hope you've been out drinking tonight and you read this first thing in the morning. That'll fix ya!
  17. You only do that to remind you of your younger days! It's always fun too isn't it?
  18. Although most of what I post is drivel, I assure you this thread will not be on page 2 by kickoff. I remember and I care. I'm 40 and grew up in Toronto but was a Bills faithful even back then because of my dad. I got hooked so much on Buffalo I adopted the area as home eventually. Joe went through a lot around here (Buffalo) both good and bad profesionally and personally. It is nice to see him recovering, nice to see that people around here still care about him, and nice to see him acknowledge that fact. Salute Joe.
  19. I understand all of that. But I have to think that JP after having a Jeckyl and Hide game last week will be looking to make big plays. And I think that Minny will be so focused on the run, that there will be big plays to be had. Probably really optomistic in my view but how do you think the team and particularly Losman feel after he put up his best game day numbers and lost due to the mistakes? We are at home, and I think the D had a letdown last week and I don't think the Vikes O will be all that impressive. I hope
  20. I don't expect a big day out of Willis, but i do expect a big day out of JP and that will make up for it. Bills 24 Vikes 20
  21. What happened? It got out of hand? I read a rumor that Bill and Hillary were going to be at the game and it was of significant importance.
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