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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Bills 46 Jags 19 Willis with only 20 yards. Stupid McGahee.
  2. I am there. Jack I expect to see you at the bar at halftime! you will be saving me $8 or more
  3. Camera time. You know Espescially in Indy where there fans are so smart they know to keep quiet when they are on offense and everone in the world can hear him bark incessantly. I'm sure I spelled incessantly wrong but I dont give a !@#$.
  4. If one of the two goalposts we hit in the first period was an inch inside we wouldn't have needed overtime. They got a point. They will finish far ahead of anyone else in the division that the missed point means nothing other than the Rangers on Sunday night at MSG will wish they were not next on the schedule to play Buffalo.
  5. I cant stand him because he cant just go to the line and play football. He has to wave his arms, move a guy here or there, try to look smart etc. etc. etc. I also think he is a tool because he love to point fingers. Oddly, I don't remember him ever showing up and making it happen on his own. Screw him. He gets nothing. Ever.
  6. There are an awful lot of of jackasses in this thread. Too many to go back and reply to each. Oh, it's 74 on the beach today. I give a flying !@#$ why? Some of you that want to ride the high almighty bus need to remember we have one of the biggest capacity stadiums here in one of the smallest markets. Someone else said it better than me. I think they said !@#$ off. Oh and I agree with someone else who said blame Jacksonville. They are too cheap to travel with their team. THEY obviously don't deserve their team and I would like to be the first person to suggest that Jacksonville relocate to New Orleans after the Saints move to LA. Suck it!! Ha
  7. I guess you're sold now then right? Suck it.
  8. When you know you're the best, vote it!
  9. So I'm shortsighted because I like victory at any cost, insignificant or otherwise? I understand what you're saying but disagree with it. You don't know who a team is going to draft. How's Reggie Bush working out in Houston? Perhaps it's your mentality that is keeping this team wallowing in the mud. Maybe they have gotten so used to losing meaningless games that they all seem to be meaningless games and when they win one, it's by default. You can keep that. I'm not investing money and emotion and then rooting for them to lose. Even when I want a coach, gm, owner or player run out of town.
  10. Yor're using my tag line? Has the royalty check been mailed yet?
  11. In light of how tough wins are to come by, yes I did and still do enjoy that win. I guess I'm kind of weird in that though. I enjoy winning. Anytime. Just curious, we're you openly rooting against the Bills?
  12. Sportscenter became unwatchable about 8 years ago.
  13. The way Lorentz went on about that play made me think he should have his dummy back. Peter Laviolette as someone shrewdly pointed out in last seasons playoffs, looks like a punk that would do your wife!
  14. What is the other chicks name? The one who is moree often than not on the front and back covers and usually has more pics than any other? I really do appreciate that the girlfriend receives those in the mail and then complains what the mailman must think about all my porn envelopes that arrive! I tell her that the VS catalogs are far more in the open than what I get
  15. With all the confusion about foreskin, it seems that everyone overlooked the fact that he meant tea time.
  16. Gausteds goal was a pretty one. Makes you wonder how come it took him so long to get one if he can let a one timer fly like that.
  17. Shouldn't the title say WARNING! and not Reminder?
  18. Part 1: no Part 2: did you ever see their jersey with the bear on it? They liked that one too.
  19. Whats wrong with that? It would certainly dull him enough if he started a couple of hours before the game. He could skip the wqarm up and be all right. The problem as I know it, is that you have to continue to drink so much that it hurts more the next day because you felt better at some point through the night and thought you were some kind of tough guy and could do anything.
  20. The red was too Techmo for me. The current field surface and colors may well be the best thing that survives the TD era. Well that and Chuck Lester. But like a roach, he survives all types of devastation.
  21. And when he left he said he didn't like the direction the team was going in!!! Of course he could have been talking about the Bills.
  22. You sir are in line for some much needed tax increase on your lot.
  23. As far as games go, you can go to NHL.com and listen online to every game. When the hell is Sirius going to go 24 hours instead of 2 for hockey?
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