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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. I agree last week was the best in a long time. I don't get the correlation with the rest of your post though? I mean after all, I was there, but drunk, and stayed till the very sweet end.
  2. Could be. The wonders of the internet huh.
  3. You're wife's not stupid. She knows October could be a crap shoot on the weather. Try September and say it's an early anniversary Also, (cant resist) it's Niagara Falls. Maybe she thought you always wanted to go to Niagra Falls, Iowa or something? Good Luck.
  4. I see others are going to take care of your dvd request. That said, Good luck and Godspeed. You and your brothers efforts are certainly appreciated. Be alert always.
  5. Isn't this where Chef Jim steps in and talks about his love for his beautiful wife and why he wouldn't touch Jess? Man I still don't believe that guys routine!
  6. I will do my part to get some of the dead in my section 235 to elevate their BP.
  7. well Nick it looks like the weather is going to be just about how you wanted it!
  8. Right. And God forbid that I have a difference of opinion with the guys posts. It's really turning into cronyism around here.
  9. Aren't guys supposed to get Karma or jungle karma or some crap like that by appearing on Rome? As opposed to the SI jinx.
  10. Back at the start of the year, I thought I saw something to the effect that the Chargers would be wearing powder blues for this game. Then again, it was one of us that posted it so forget it.
  11. A Toronto perspective on the Bills eroding Loyal fan base. http://www.torontosun.com/Sports/Football/...545560-sun.html Just a personal note, we had sold out 27 of the last 28 despite being pathetic. That wouldn't happen in a lot of places and see this whole thing getting blown out of proportion a little bit.
  12. I like this part of your post in particular Now then, maybe you missed the point. The point was that since it was snowing GB was in their element and therefore should have won. See?
  13. Good job. You're right too. It does piss people off when links that dont work are posted.
  14. I don't agreee with the weather edge. Green Bay should have rolled over the Seahawks last night to show just one example.
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